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Arena Ideas

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:45 am
by TwentySided
If you have any ideas for arenas please let me know and they might appear

Re: Arena Ideas

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:14 am
by captain_borgue
Oooh, where to start...

A TRON-like world inside a computer program
Inside somepony's body- or an even better twist, as Futurama-style tinybots inside THEIR OWN body
Inside a giant clock =
At an evil circus
miniature ponies in a GIANT world
Giant ponies in a miniature world
ponies as pieces on a Chessboard
A world where gravity rotates differently for each pony- like, the inside of a tube that spins in different directions for each pony
A world where the lighting is monochrome -

I think that's enough out of me for now. :P

Re: Arena Ideas

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:31 pm
by Oda
Oh lets see.
A arena where gravity is inverted
Where it's a tall tower and it's filling with boiling water
Who knows where with giant floating rocks/gears
A Factory style assembly line with shield to prevent ponies from jumping off
A grid with GIANT gears rolling back and forth along the lines.
Underneath a giant steam ventilation system where parts of the arena will be blasted with superheated Steam at random intervals

Re: Arena Ideas

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:47 pm
by ToonNinja
Obligatory lava level?

Re: Arena Ideas

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:17 pm
by captain_borgue
I'm kind of amazed nobody has suggested "zombie apocalypse" as an arena idea...

Re: Arena Ideas

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:45 pm
by Knight Tyrfang
Clllllasssic Style.

Just a plain stone arena with nothing, maybe windows for observers, but nothing really.