Master character list to be created later if there is demand for it.
Below you will find the approved characters for Equestria University. The format will generally show three or four players along with the approved characters in the following format.
Player X / X (Currently used slots / total slots)
Character details from submission thread hidden behind spoiler tag
EU Cast List (Approved characters)
Character submissions and approved characters for EU found here.
Re: EU Cast List (Approved characters)
Postby MagusZeal » Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:03 pm
Lucy Took 3/4 (12/13, 10/14 short story winner)
Toonninja 1/2
- Prism
Name: Prism
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Appearance: Prism is tall and looks graceful at first glance, her hair and tail are both long and wavy, her hair reaching to her tail and her tail to her ankles.
Skin color: A white that is somewhere between pearl and light silver in most lights, in others some light hues of different colors are noticeable if one is looking for them.
Eye color: Purple
Hair color: Purple with silver streaks that no one is quite sure if they have the same effect as her skin, but stronger, or if she just likes to use glitter hairspray (It's the later)
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Illusions created by bending the light around objects with her magic.
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A rainbow exiting a gem.
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Theater
Personality: Prism is enthusiastic about life and tries to come across as confident, but deep down is unsure of her talents. She has a head knowledge of magic, but doesn't really understand applications aside from how to cast spells, and even then she avoids doing anything unrelated to stage magic. Also despite looking graceful at a glace when she's not moving, watching her walk proves that she's not all that sure on her hooves.
Backstory: She always knew that she'd be going to Luna University, after all, she was practically raised there. Her father is the head of the magic department, and her mother met him as a student and she was born a couple of years after her mother graduated, and then grew up with as normal of a life that can be expected from someone raised by a mad scientist and a ditzy music teacher, but her childhood was a happy one and any pressures or stresses that she ever experienced came from herself, and those were rare.
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Appearance: Prism is tall and looks graceful at first glance, her hair and tail are both long and wavy, her hair reaching to her tail and her tail to her ankles.
Skin color: A white that is somewhere between pearl and light silver in most lights, in others some light hues of different colors are noticeable if one is looking for them.
Eye color: Purple
Hair color: Purple with silver streaks that no one is quite sure if they have the same effect as her skin, but stronger, or if she just likes to use glitter hairspray (It's the later)
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Illusions created by bending the light around objects with her magic.
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A rainbow exiting a gem.
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Theater
Personality: Prism is enthusiastic about life and tries to come across as confident, but deep down is unsure of her talents. She has a head knowledge of magic, but doesn't really understand applications aside from how to cast spells, and even then she avoids doing anything unrelated to stage magic. Also despite looking graceful at a glace when she's not moving, watching her walk proves that she's not all that sure on her hooves.
Backstory: She always knew that she'd be going to Luna University, after all, she was practically raised there. Her father is the head of the magic department, and her mother met him as a student and she was born a couple of years after her mother graduated, and then grew up with as normal of a life that can be expected from someone raised by a mad scientist and a ditzy music teacher, but her childhood was a happy one and any pressures or stresses that she ever experienced came from herself, and those were rare.
River Underhill
Name: River Underhill
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Appearance: River is slightly on the short side with a straight mane and tail that she curls most days and braids back the others. She favors a clothing style similar to that of a hobbit.
Skin color: Light bluegreen
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown with red streaks
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Cooking
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A chocolate chip cookie
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Culinary arts
Personality: River is warm and friendly to all she meets,earning her the reputation of being the "cookie lady". She can be naive at times, but in her mind that balances out with her dependence on her shrewd fiancee.
Backstory: Though she came from a well off family, River didn't plan on furthering her education after high school, and stayed at home to sharpen her cooking skills while her fiancee, Tarnished Repute, went off to his first year of college. However after that year she grew tired of being away from him and decided that maybe seeing the world outside of Trottingham wouldn't be a bad idea, and Repute had encouraged it, after all, she had just as much right to happiness as he did, so she enrolled in the same school as him, not really for the schooling itself, cooking was something she was already good at, but more for the experience of getting to make new friends and to try living without her parents and just having Repute be her familiar face.
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Appearance: River is slightly on the short side with a straight mane and tail that she curls most days and braids back the others. She favors a clothing style similar to that of a hobbit.
Skin color: Light bluegreen
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown with red streaks
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Cooking
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A chocolate chip cookie
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Culinary arts
Personality: River is warm and friendly to all she meets,earning her the reputation of being the "cookie lady". She can be naive at times, but in her mind that balances out with her dependence on her shrewd fiancee.
Backstory: Though she came from a well off family, River didn't plan on furthering her education after high school, and stayed at home to sharpen her cooking skills while her fiancee, Tarnished Repute, went off to his first year of college. However after that year she grew tired of being away from him and decided that maybe seeing the world outside of Trottingham wouldn't be a bad idea, and Repute had encouraged it, after all, she had just as much right to happiness as he did, so she enrolled in the same school as him, not really for the schooling itself, cooking was something she was already good at, but more for the experience of getting to make new friends and to try living without her parents and just having Repute be her familiar face.
Coma Ataxi
Name: Coma Ataxia, though he prefers to be called Chroma. (Coma meaning Comet tails, Ataxia meaning Chaos. Chroma meaning Color)
Race: Bat Pony
Gender: Male
Age: 20,Sophomore
Appearance: Shorter than most ponies,has some muscle that he works very hard to keep fat off, but is by no means athletic in build. His tail he keeps fairly short and his shaggy hair is normally allowed to fly wherever it wants, but he trims it just enough to stay out of his eyes. He constantly wears a necklace with his room number and some basic medical information on it.
Skin color: Purple
Eye color: Pale yellow
Hair color: Black
Tail color: Black
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Painting the Skies. (Well, pictures of the night sky)
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A comet tail, with a paintbrush starting work on the comet, with yellow flecks from the comet randomly scattered almost to his knee.
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Major in art, minor in Astronomy.
Personality: Up until his senior year in highschool he was quiet and subdued, only really "coming to life" when the subjects of art or astronomy came up when he would talk about his passions animatedly. While his passion is still there for astronomy his mood swings often now between being extremely hyper after drinking massive amounts of coffee, to being calm and subdued when it's worn off. He can go from being easy to approach when he's just woke up from a nap, to very irritable when he's tired.
Backstory: Coma was raised by his mother after his father died in the services of one of the Princesses during an assassination before he was born. Though he lacked a father he found other male influences in his childhood in Canterlot and up until the second half of his junior year of highschool he had a fairly normal childhood.
The normality stopped after he started having a hard time feeling rested no matter how hard his mother tried to make sure he got plenty of sleep during the day, his fatigue didn't let up, it only got worse to the point that he would be nodding off, sometimes even suddenly and randomly. After going to several doctors they finally found the balance of medications that worked to allow him to function enough to study by the end of highschool, but not enough to put a stop to all of his tiredness or to the randomness of his napping. Despite his mother's attempts to get him to stay in Canterlot, he wanted to go to Luna U, in part because of the large astronomy program, but also because after years of doting from a worried mother he was determined to show her he could deal with life by himself.
His first year of school he mostly stayed to himself, not out of a dislike of other people, but because he wanted to use his precious few hours of total awakeness on his studies. It was during this year that he developed an addiction to coffee, drinking about a dozen or more cups a day, something that he doesn't particularly feel like telling his doctors, but none of his medicine labels say /not/ to so he figured he might as well do what it takes to get his work done, a strategy that somehow worked this year, enough that he's decided to try to have a bit of a social life during his second year of university, hoping to overcome his fears of ailianating people over falling asleep mid conversation and his fears of not getting what needs done done. All with a mug of coffee firmly in hand.
Race: Bat Pony
Gender: Male
Age: 20,Sophomore
Appearance: Shorter than most ponies,has some muscle that he works very hard to keep fat off, but is by no means athletic in build. His tail he keeps fairly short and his shaggy hair is normally allowed to fly wherever it wants, but he trims it just enough to stay out of his eyes. He constantly wears a necklace with his room number and some basic medical information on it.
Skin color: Purple
Eye color: Pale yellow
Hair color: Black
Tail color: Black
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Painting the Skies. (Well, pictures of the night sky)
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A comet tail, with a paintbrush starting work on the comet, with yellow flecks from the comet randomly scattered almost to his knee.
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Major in art, minor in Astronomy.
Personality: Up until his senior year in highschool he was quiet and subdued, only really "coming to life" when the subjects of art or astronomy came up when he would talk about his passions animatedly. While his passion is still there for astronomy his mood swings often now between being extremely hyper after drinking massive amounts of coffee, to being calm and subdued when it's worn off. He can go from being easy to approach when he's just woke up from a nap, to very irritable when he's tired.
Backstory: Coma was raised by his mother after his father died in the services of one of the Princesses during an assassination before he was born. Though he lacked a father he found other male influences in his childhood in Canterlot and up until the second half of his junior year of highschool he had a fairly normal childhood.
The normality stopped after he started having a hard time feeling rested no matter how hard his mother tried to make sure he got plenty of sleep during the day, his fatigue didn't let up, it only got worse to the point that he would be nodding off, sometimes even suddenly and randomly. After going to several doctors they finally found the balance of medications that worked to allow him to function enough to study by the end of highschool, but not enough to put a stop to all of his tiredness or to the randomness of his napping. Despite his mother's attempts to get him to stay in Canterlot, he wanted to go to Luna U, in part because of the large astronomy program, but also because after years of doting from a worried mother he was determined to show her he could deal with life by himself.
His first year of school he mostly stayed to himself, not out of a dislike of other people, but because he wanted to use his precious few hours of total awakeness on his studies. It was during this year that he developed an addiction to coffee, drinking about a dozen or more cups a day, something that he doesn't particularly feel like telling his doctors, but none of his medicine labels say /not/ to so he figured he might as well do what it takes to get his work done, a strategy that somehow worked this year, enough that he's decided to try to have a bit of a social life during his second year of university, hoping to overcome his fears of ailianating people over falling asleep mid conversation and his fears of not getting what needs done done. All with a mug of coffee firmly in hand.
Toonninja 1/2
- Real Deal
Name: Real Deal
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Appearance: Scraggly hair, just on the borderline between long and short. Fairly tall and rather lean. Tends to wear nicer clothing, although most of them show some aging or wear and tear.
Skin color: Tan
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Black
Special Talent: Deal is a smooth-talker with a knack for analysis; given enough time to chat, or even to observe, he can figure out what most people are after, as well as how much he can trust them.
Cutiemark: A metal briefcase
Major: Undeclared
Personality: At one time easygoing, Deal is now a much more focused man outside of high school. He's reluctant to associate with his past, but will do so if pressed. Deal is also very much a pragmatist, always weighing risks and benefits of possible actions. He tends to nurse a nasty grudge for any arrogance or holier-than-thou attitude. He can also turn up the charm when the situation calls for it.
Backstory: Having bounced around from foster home to foster home, Real Deal spent his longest stint with a family in Canterlot, spending four years enrolled at Canterlot High. Deal quickly made a name for himself, allying with some like-minded "entrepreneurs" to form a group known colloquially as the Triad. Deal quickly garnered money and influence, but upon graduation, both of those dried up fast. He was eighteen, college-bound, and on his own; what modest fortune he'd gathered was quickly chewed up by tuition and housing, and nobody at Luna University cared who he was or what he knew. Careful budgeting, financial aid, and a part-time job have gotten Deal this far, but it's always a looming threat in the back of his mind, especially as he scrambles to choose a career path. As such, he's also mostly given up on his old ways, only resorting to them when he's completely strapped for cash; as such, his draw is limited in those regards.
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Appearance: Scraggly hair, just on the borderline between long and short. Fairly tall and rather lean. Tends to wear nicer clothing, although most of them show some aging or wear and tear.
Skin color: Tan
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Black
Special Talent: Deal is a smooth-talker with a knack for analysis; given enough time to chat, or even to observe, he can figure out what most people are after, as well as how much he can trust them.
Cutiemark: A metal briefcase
Major: Undeclared
Personality: At one time easygoing, Deal is now a much more focused man outside of high school. He's reluctant to associate with his past, but will do so if pressed. Deal is also very much a pragmatist, always weighing risks and benefits of possible actions. He tends to nurse a nasty grudge for any arrogance or holier-than-thou attitude. He can also turn up the charm when the situation calls for it.
Backstory: Having bounced around from foster home to foster home, Real Deal spent his longest stint with a family in Canterlot, spending four years enrolled at Canterlot High. Deal quickly made a name for himself, allying with some like-minded "entrepreneurs" to form a group known colloquially as the Triad. Deal quickly garnered money and influence, but upon graduation, both of those dried up fast. He was eighteen, college-bound, and on his own; what modest fortune he'd gathered was quickly chewed up by tuition and housing, and nobody at Luna University cared who he was or what he knew. Careful budgeting, financial aid, and a part-time job have gotten Deal this far, but it's always a looming threat in the back of his mind, especially as he scrambles to choose a career path. As such, he's also mostly given up on his old ways, only resorting to them when he's completely strapped for cash; as such, his draw is limited in those regards.
Re: EU Cast List (Approved characters)
Postby MagusZeal » Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:05 pm
captain_borgue 4/4 (11/13, 2/13 short story winner)
- Super Nova
Name: Super Nova
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Appearance: short and curvy - think Bernadette from Big Bang Theory
Skin color: slate grey
Eye color: teal
Hair color: Pink and beige streaks
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Explosives - or more specifically, breaking chemical bonds, which most often manifests as explosions.
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A circle with tendrils radiating from it, similar to this
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Chemistry
Personality: Nova is a friendly, outgoing girl, who has a tendency to talk too much that she inherited from her mother, and a tendency towards blunt honesty that she inherited from her father. She enjoys being around other people, and loves to hear where people are from and what sort of adventures they have had. Though genuinely gregarious, some of her outgoing nature is to call attention away from her being a unicorn- she still has some lingering issues around using magic, and will rarely ever use it in public or in front of anyone. She thinks that anything that can be done with magic can be done without it, too, and this helps make up for her low self-confidence in her magical abilities.
Backstory: Super Nova spent her early childhood on an airship, and has never lost that sense of wonder at what the day may hold. Her magic developed late for a unicorn, which when coupled with the fact that her magical talent was rather destructive, made her think that there was something inherently wrong with her magic. She spent much of her formative years trying to learn as much as she could from her father, who possessed no magic but was nevertheless a very resourceful and clever man. Her mother, a chemist of some renown, insisted that she learn to control her abilities, even if she didn't particularly enjoy having them, so that she could at the very least keep herself from accidentally setting things on fire or making them explode. Begrudgingly, Nova accepted, and enrolled in Luna University at the Salt Lick City campus. Despite a rocky start, and needing some remedial classes, Nova has improved her control over her abilities to a remarkable degree, and with some encouragement from her professors, she decided to take Chemistry as a major and pursue pyrotechnical engineering as a career field.
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Appearance: short and curvy - think Bernadette from Big Bang Theory
Skin color: slate grey
Eye color: teal
Hair color: Pink and beige streaks
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Explosives - or more specifically, breaking chemical bonds, which most often manifests as explosions.
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A circle with tendrils radiating from it, similar to this
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Chemistry
Personality: Nova is a friendly, outgoing girl, who has a tendency to talk too much that she inherited from her mother, and a tendency towards blunt honesty that she inherited from her father. She enjoys being around other people, and loves to hear where people are from and what sort of adventures they have had. Though genuinely gregarious, some of her outgoing nature is to call attention away from her being a unicorn- she still has some lingering issues around using magic, and will rarely ever use it in public or in front of anyone. She thinks that anything that can be done with magic can be done without it, too, and this helps make up for her low self-confidence in her magical abilities.
Backstory: Super Nova spent her early childhood on an airship, and has never lost that sense of wonder at what the day may hold. Her magic developed late for a unicorn, which when coupled with the fact that her magical talent was rather destructive, made her think that there was something inherently wrong with her magic. She spent much of her formative years trying to learn as much as she could from her father, who possessed no magic but was nevertheless a very resourceful and clever man. Her mother, a chemist of some renown, insisted that she learn to control her abilities, even if she didn't particularly enjoy having them, so that she could at the very least keep herself from accidentally setting things on fire or making them explode. Begrudgingly, Nova accepted, and enrolled in Luna University at the Salt Lick City campus. Despite a rocky start, and needing some remedial classes, Nova has improved her control over her abilities to a remarkable degree, and with some encouragement from her professors, she decided to take Chemistry as a major and pursue pyrotechnical engineering as a career field.
Enya 'Kimi' Matozi
Name: Enya 'Kimi' Matozi
Race: Zebra/buffalo hybrid, or 'Zuffalo' as her friends call her
Gender: female
Age: 20
Appearance: Kimi stands about 6'4", which is significantly taller than her pony peers. Her body is more angular than pony females, due in large part to her buffalo blood and heavy muscle tone. Her hair is very straight and jet black, with a pair of small buffalo horns peeking out from it. She keeps it cut in a short, heavily angled A-line, which frames her face nicely.
Skin color: She alternates between telling her peers she is black with white stripes, and white with black stripes.
Eye color: Pink. Much to her chagrin.
Hair color: Black.
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Kimi is an excellent dancer, though she claims it is not a talent
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A fractal-like circular checkerboard pattern
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): psychology
Personality: Kimi is introspective and observant, though not necessarily quiet. She is slow to make friends, partly due to a degree of culture shock that makes socializing like her peers an awkward experience for her, and thus one she avoids.
Backstory: The daughter of a madwoman and a criminal, Enya spent many years in foster home after foster home. Few people knew how to handle her buffalo temper, and without a real concept of permanence, Enya became more and more withdrawn- sullen and quiet most of the time, before exploding in a berserker frenzy. By the time she reached High School, Enya had little hope for her future, and there were few people who saw anything but jail time for the troubled teen. However, a chance encounter with a substitute teacher- himself a 'zuffalo' like her- showed Enya that it was possible, even for her, to fit in with society writ large. She changed councilors, and eventually schools, and set to work creating the person she wanted herself to be, and channeling the resentment from her difficult upbringing into her studies.
Prior to enrolling at Luna U, Enya decided to change her name to 'Kimi'. Where "Enya Watozi" translated roughly to "Blood Keeper", "Kimi Matozi" translated to Secret Keeper. Though she believes this new name refers to her past, it also reflects on her intuitive grasp of psychology- or keeping the secrets of others.antly taller than her pony peers. Her body is more angular than pony females, due in large part to her buffalo blood and heavy muscle tone. Her hair is very straight and jet black, with a pair of small buffalo horns peeking out from it. She keeps it cut in a short, heavily angled A-line, which frames her face nicely.
Skin color: She alternates between telling her peers she is black with white stripes, and white with black stripes.
Eye color: Pink. Much to her chagrin.
Hair color: Black.
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Kimi is an excellent dancer, though she claims it is not a talent
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A fractal-like circular checkerboard pattern
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): psychology
Personality: Kimi is introspective and observant, though not necessarily quiet. She is slow to make friends, partly due to a degree of culture shock that makes socializing like her peers an awkward experience for her, and thus one she avoids.
Backstory: The daughter of a madwoman and a criminal, Enya spent many years in foster home after foster home. Few people knew how to handle her buffalo temper, and without a real concept of permanence, Enya became more and more withdrawn- sullen and quiet most of the time, before exploding in a berserker frenzy. By the time she reached High School, Enya had little hope for her future, and there were few people who saw anything but jail time for the troubled teen. However, a chance encounter with a substitute teacher- himself a 'zuffalo' like her- showed Enya that it was possible, even for her, to fit in with society writ large. She changed councilors, and eventually schools, and set to work creating the person she wanted herself to be, and channeling the resentment from her difficult upbringing into her studies.
Prior to enrolling at Luna U, Enya decided to change her name to 'Kimi'. Where "Enya Watozi" translated roughly to "Blood Keeper", "Kimi Matozi" translated to Secret Keeper. Though she believes this new name refers to her past, it also reflects on her intuitive grasp of psychology- or keeping the secrets of others.
Race: Zebra/buffalo hybrid, or 'Zuffalo' as her friends call her
Gender: female
Age: 20
Appearance: Kimi stands about 6'4", which is significantly taller than her pony peers. Her body is more angular than pony females, due in large part to her buffalo blood and heavy muscle tone. Her hair is very straight and jet black, with a pair of small buffalo horns peeking out from it. She keeps it cut in a short, heavily angled A-line, which frames her face nicely.
Skin color: She alternates between telling her peers she is black with white stripes, and white with black stripes.
Eye color: Pink. Much to her chagrin.
Hair color: Black.
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Kimi is an excellent dancer, though she claims it is not a talent
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A fractal-like circular checkerboard pattern
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): psychology
Personality: Kimi is introspective and observant, though not necessarily quiet. She is slow to make friends, partly due to a degree of culture shock that makes socializing like her peers an awkward experience for her, and thus one she avoids.
Backstory: The daughter of a madwoman and a criminal, Enya spent many years in foster home after foster home. Few people knew how to handle her buffalo temper, and without a real concept of permanence, Enya became more and more withdrawn- sullen and quiet most of the time, before exploding in a berserker frenzy. By the time she reached High School, Enya had little hope for her future, and there were few people who saw anything but jail time for the troubled teen. However, a chance encounter with a substitute teacher- himself a 'zuffalo' like her- showed Enya that it was possible, even for her, to fit in with society writ large. She changed councilors, and eventually schools, and set to work creating the person she wanted herself to be, and channeling the resentment from her difficult upbringing into her studies.
Prior to enrolling at Luna U, Enya decided to change her name to 'Kimi'. Where "Enya Watozi" translated roughly to "Blood Keeper", "Kimi Matozi" translated to Secret Keeper. Though she believes this new name refers to her past, it also reflects on her intuitive grasp of psychology- or keeping the secrets of others.antly taller than her pony peers. Her body is more angular than pony females, due in large part to her buffalo blood and heavy muscle tone. Her hair is very straight and jet black, with a pair of small buffalo horns peeking out from it. She keeps it cut in a short, heavily angled A-line, which frames her face nicely.
Skin color: She alternates between telling her peers she is black with white stripes, and white with black stripes.
Eye color: Pink. Much to her chagrin.
Hair color: Black.
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Kimi is an excellent dancer, though she claims it is not a talent
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A fractal-like circular checkerboard pattern
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): psychology
Personality: Kimi is introspective and observant, though not necessarily quiet. She is slow to make friends, partly due to a degree of culture shock that makes socializing like her peers an awkward experience for her, and thus one she avoids.
Backstory: The daughter of a madwoman and a criminal, Enya spent many years in foster home after foster home. Few people knew how to handle her buffalo temper, and without a real concept of permanence, Enya became more and more withdrawn- sullen and quiet most of the time, before exploding in a berserker frenzy. By the time she reached High School, Enya had little hope for her future, and there were few people who saw anything but jail time for the troubled teen. However, a chance encounter with a substitute teacher- himself a 'zuffalo' like her- showed Enya that it was possible, even for her, to fit in with society writ large. She changed councilors, and eventually schools, and set to work creating the person she wanted herself to be, and channeling the resentment from her difficult upbringing into her studies.
Prior to enrolling at Luna U, Enya decided to change her name to 'Kimi'. Where "Enya Watozi" translated roughly to "Blood Keeper", "Kimi Matozi" translated to Secret Keeper. Though she believes this new name refers to her past, it also reflects on her intuitive grasp of psychology- or keeping the secrets of others.
Rose Gold
Name: Rose Gold
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearance: Rose has a light pink complexion and deep, rich yellow hair. She keeps it cut to about her shoulder blades, though it always looks a little messy. She wears slightly too small clothes, though mostly because her body image is somewhat skewed by the fact that she is completely blind, and thus has no real idea of how she looks. Most of her clothes are hilariously colorful pants and t-shirts with funny or lewd slogans, as her brothers thought it would be hilarious. To spite them, she continues to wear almost exclusively these same 'hilarious' shirts, and feigns being shocked when people tell her what they say. The fact that she is very curvy, which is unusual in a pegasus, gives her the overall appearance of being kind of a slacker, with her messy hair and her ill-fitting clothes.
Skin color: Pale pink
Eye color: pink, but milked over
Hair color: golden
Tail color: golden
Special Talent: Rose is very skilled at playing the piano. Being blind her entire life, her hearing is very acute and precise. She can play a song by ear nearly exactly, though she can't actually play a piece precisely, since she can't read music.
Cutiemark: A rose-gold ring, with a ribbon of piano keys winding through it.
Major: Undeclared.
Personality: Rosie is headstrong and opinionated, and is always trying to prove herself to other people. She gets defensive easily, as she assumes that people think she is somehow less capable, or helpless, or weak, so she overcompensates... regardless of whether or not she actually can do something.
Backstory: Growing up as the youngest child, only girl, and blind, Rosie's parents tried very hard to keep their little girl safe. but with three older brothers, one of whom would grow up to be a semi-pro boxer, all but guaranteed that any efforts to keep Rosie like a bird in a gilded cage were doomed to fail. So rather than make her resent them by being overprotective, her parents decided the best course would be to let her spread her wings, so to speak. It helped that her father was an airship captain. Even still, Rosie was the darling of the family. So when Rosie said she wanted to go to Salt Lick City to attend Luna U, her parents couldn't bear to send her off all alone. Of course, Rosie had a difference of opinion. After a bitter argument, her parents agreed to let her go and not tag along; but in exchange, she had to bring someone her parents could trust. And that someone was Tiny, the Diamond Dog nanny that had been taking care of her since she was little.
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearance: Rose has a light pink complexion and deep, rich yellow hair. She keeps it cut to about her shoulder blades, though it always looks a little messy. She wears slightly too small clothes, though mostly because her body image is somewhat skewed by the fact that she is completely blind, and thus has no real idea of how she looks. Most of her clothes are hilariously colorful pants and t-shirts with funny or lewd slogans, as her brothers thought it would be hilarious. To spite them, she continues to wear almost exclusively these same 'hilarious' shirts, and feigns being shocked when people tell her what they say. The fact that she is very curvy, which is unusual in a pegasus, gives her the overall appearance of being kind of a slacker, with her messy hair and her ill-fitting clothes.
Skin color: Pale pink
Eye color: pink, but milked over
Hair color: golden
Tail color: golden
Special Talent: Rose is very skilled at playing the piano. Being blind her entire life, her hearing is very acute and precise. She can play a song by ear nearly exactly, though she can't actually play a piece precisely, since she can't read music.
Cutiemark: A rose-gold ring, with a ribbon of piano keys winding through it.
Major: Undeclared.
Personality: Rosie is headstrong and opinionated, and is always trying to prove herself to other people. She gets defensive easily, as she assumes that people think she is somehow less capable, or helpless, or weak, so she overcompensates... regardless of whether or not she actually can do something.
Backstory: Growing up as the youngest child, only girl, and blind, Rosie's parents tried very hard to keep their little girl safe. but with three older brothers, one of whom would grow up to be a semi-pro boxer, all but guaranteed that any efforts to keep Rosie like a bird in a gilded cage were doomed to fail. So rather than make her resent them by being overprotective, her parents decided the best course would be to let her spread her wings, so to speak. It helped that her father was an airship captain. Even still, Rosie was the darling of the family. So when Rosie said she wanted to go to Salt Lick City to attend Luna U, her parents couldn't bear to send her off all alone. Of course, Rosie had a difference of opinion. After a bitter argument, her parents agreed to let her go and not tag along; but in exchange, she had to bring someone her parents could trust. And that someone was Tiny, the Diamond Dog nanny that had been taking care of her since she was little.
Hannibal Kerrigan
Name: Hannibal Kerrigan, PhD, PsyD. Draconic nomenclature traditions reverse the order of given and family names, meaning that Hannibal Kerrigan's informal, social name is "Kerrigan", while her more formal name is "Ms. Hannibal".
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: Nobody quite knows- and nobody is brave enough to ask
Appearance: Hannibal is the most straight-laced, uptight, professional looking woman on campus. she looks like what parodies of stuffy businesswomen would look like. So like this combined with this.
Skin color: Black scales cover most of her body, though she has an elaborate tattoo on each wing so that when she folds them in front of her, the tattoo perfectly matches up with her suit. She has another tattoo as well, a very elaborate Ourobouros entwined around Yggdrasil, but nobody else knows she has it, let alone where.
Eye color: Yellow
Hair color: Hannibal has no hair. Rather, six horns curve downward over the back of her skull, giving the impression of slicked back hair. These horns are a tawny beige color.
Tail color: Black, with two small beige horns protruding at the tip. She keeps her tail wrapped around her waist like a belt, and these horns are reminiscent of a buckle.
Major: Hannibal is Dean of the Bucephalus College at the university. She holds a PhD in Neurobiology and a PsyD in Behavioral Psychology.
Personality: Dean Hannibal is a very direct, no-nonsense woman. She makes it clear in her speech, mannerisms, poise, body language, and tone that she absolutely will not tolerate anything that is even remotely related to leisure, distraction, displays of emotions, or joviality. She is strict and unyielding, but also encourages her own students, and students in her department, to think in new ways and try new things in order to get out of their comfort zone. Dean Hannibal believes that only by knowing one's own personal weaknesses intimately can one hope to compensate for them. Ironically, Dean Hannibal is the chief supporter and sponsor of the university's schedule of leisure activities, and traditionally holds four major social events per academic year. This has led to speculation that Hannibal is much more caring than she lets on, though her official explanation is "once the student body has a chance to get all that pony nonsense about love and tolerance out of their systems, they can focus on their studies more effectively".
Backstory: Hannibal Kerrigan's family was one of the first dragon clans to normalize relations with Equestria. Her subsequent schooling in the Equestrian system was originally intended as a means to study the relative strengths of the Equestrian way of teaching in order to incorporate it into the notoriously efficient, and rather soulless and crushing, draconic Gymnasia/Fakultet style of education. Kerrigan's years in Equestria were supposed to teach her how better to incorporate pony ideas into draconic schools, but they had the opposite effect- Kerrigan became determined to bring the draconic concept of order and efficiency to the pony style of education. Upon completing the agreed upon collegiate education, Kerrigan opted to stay in Equestria to pursue graduate studies, and earned a doctorate in Neurobiology as well as a doctorate in Behavioral Psychology, specializing in neuropathology and aberrant psychology. After a brief stint as a psychotherapist that Kerrigan absolutely despised, a position at her alma mater opened up for a psychology professor. Kerrigan took the posting. Almost immediately, the quantity of students dropped lie a stone, but the quality of those that remained rose dramatically. In less than ten years, Kerrigan worked her way up to head the Psychology department, and not long after that she became Dean of the entire Bucephalus college.
Race: Dragon
Gender: Female
Age: Nobody quite knows- and nobody is brave enough to ask
Appearance: Hannibal is the most straight-laced, uptight, professional looking woman on campus. she looks like what parodies of stuffy businesswomen would look like. So like this combined with this.
Skin color: Black scales cover most of her body, though she has an elaborate tattoo on each wing so that when she folds them in front of her, the tattoo perfectly matches up with her suit. She has another tattoo as well, a very elaborate Ourobouros entwined around Yggdrasil, but nobody else knows she has it, let alone where.
Eye color: Yellow
Hair color: Hannibal has no hair. Rather, six horns curve downward over the back of her skull, giving the impression of slicked back hair. These horns are a tawny beige color.
Tail color: Black, with two small beige horns protruding at the tip. She keeps her tail wrapped around her waist like a belt, and these horns are reminiscent of a buckle.
Major: Hannibal is Dean of the Bucephalus College at the university. She holds a PhD in Neurobiology and a PsyD in Behavioral Psychology.
Personality: Dean Hannibal is a very direct, no-nonsense woman. She makes it clear in her speech, mannerisms, poise, body language, and tone that she absolutely will not tolerate anything that is even remotely related to leisure, distraction, displays of emotions, or joviality. She is strict and unyielding, but also encourages her own students, and students in her department, to think in new ways and try new things in order to get out of their comfort zone. Dean Hannibal believes that only by knowing one's own personal weaknesses intimately can one hope to compensate for them. Ironically, Dean Hannibal is the chief supporter and sponsor of the university's schedule of leisure activities, and traditionally holds four major social events per academic year. This has led to speculation that Hannibal is much more caring than she lets on, though her official explanation is "once the student body has a chance to get all that pony nonsense about love and tolerance out of their systems, they can focus on their studies more effectively".
Backstory: Hannibal Kerrigan's family was one of the first dragon clans to normalize relations with Equestria. Her subsequent schooling in the Equestrian system was originally intended as a means to study the relative strengths of the Equestrian way of teaching in order to incorporate it into the notoriously efficient, and rather soulless and crushing, draconic Gymnasia/Fakultet style of education. Kerrigan's years in Equestria were supposed to teach her how better to incorporate pony ideas into draconic schools, but they had the opposite effect- Kerrigan became determined to bring the draconic concept of order and efficiency to the pony style of education. Upon completing the agreed upon collegiate education, Kerrigan opted to stay in Equestria to pursue graduate studies, and earned a doctorate in Neurobiology as well as a doctorate in Behavioral Psychology, specializing in neuropathology and aberrant psychology. After a brief stint as a psychotherapist that Kerrigan absolutely despised, a position at her alma mater opened up for a psychology professor. Kerrigan took the posting. Almost immediately, the quantity of students dropped lie a stone, but the quality of those that remained rose dramatically. In less than ten years, Kerrigan worked her way up to head the Psychology department, and not long after that she became Dean of the entire Bucephalus college.
- Double Edge
Name: Double Edge
Race: Zebra
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: Slender and average height,(though he is certainly stronger than he looks) The sides of his head are shaven, with a short striped mohawk in the center
Skin color: Dark Grey
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Striped purple and light grey
Special Talent: Fencing
Cutiemark: A series of white lines with an outline resembling that of three blades crossed. The only place the mark is shown, is a large tattoo on his back.
Major: Magic Theory
Personality: Double is a zebra of few words. Toward new ponies his attitude is not that of warmth or cold but of neutrality and a definite lack of knowing what to say. For him, simply talking to another is a bit of a challenge, normally only replying in two to three words. Making new friendships, for Double, is almost as difficult, if not more so, than getting the courage to speak. However if he is able to make such a bond. They are held very dear to him.
Backstory: Born in Ponyville with his twin sister, Double Edged constantly felt as if he was under someone's shadow. While not a unicorn like his sister he too had a set of skills in magic, though time and time his sister out shined any of his efforts. Soon her talents soared, leaving him in the dust. Giving up on magic, the zebra instead tried resorted to the only other thing he knew, the art of the blade. Taking lessons from his father, Double honed his skills with the sword, preferring a rapier than anything else, though despite everything he did, Double still felt like he could never truly make a name for himself. Coming to a decision, the zebra decided to see the world and try to finally set himself apart from anypony else. Signing on the airship, Black Mako, Double set out on his journey. Saying goodbye to his family and his childhood friend, Nova. He departed to shores unknown.
After five years, Double returned to the shores of Equestria. Changed. His attitude altered from dedication to that of stoic and silent. The rapier in his possession, chipped, and nearing blunt. Though in his eyes a new fire burned as he took his first steps onto the land he no longer knew.
Passing the entrance exam for Luna U. with flying colors, the zebra was accepted into Luna U. Deciding to major in Magic Theory and Application, Double entered into the hallowed halls of the university set to finally confront the final challenge that had loomed over him his entire life.
Race: Zebra
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: Slender and average height,(though he is certainly stronger than he looks) The sides of his head are shaven, with a short striped mohawk in the center
Skin color: Dark Grey
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Striped purple and light grey
Special Talent: Fencing
Cutiemark: A series of white lines with an outline resembling that of three blades crossed. The only place the mark is shown, is a large tattoo on his back.
Major: Magic Theory
Personality: Double is a zebra of few words. Toward new ponies his attitude is not that of warmth or cold but of neutrality and a definite lack of knowing what to say. For him, simply talking to another is a bit of a challenge, normally only replying in two to three words. Making new friendships, for Double, is almost as difficult, if not more so, than getting the courage to speak. However if he is able to make such a bond. They are held very dear to him.
Backstory: Born in Ponyville with his twin sister, Double Edged constantly felt as if he was under someone's shadow. While not a unicorn like his sister he too had a set of skills in magic, though time and time his sister out shined any of his efforts. Soon her talents soared, leaving him in the dust. Giving up on magic, the zebra instead tried resorted to the only other thing he knew, the art of the blade. Taking lessons from his father, Double honed his skills with the sword, preferring a rapier than anything else, though despite everything he did, Double still felt like he could never truly make a name for himself. Coming to a decision, the zebra decided to see the world and try to finally set himself apart from anypony else. Signing on the airship, Black Mako, Double set out on his journey. Saying goodbye to his family and his childhood friend, Nova. He departed to shores unknown.
After five years, Double returned to the shores of Equestria. Changed. His attitude altered from dedication to that of stoic and silent. The rapier in his possession, chipped, and nearing blunt. Though in his eyes a new fire burned as he took his first steps onto the land he no longer knew.
Passing the entrance exam for Luna U. with flying colors, the zebra was accepted into Luna U. Deciding to major in Magic Theory and Application, Double entered into the hallowed halls of the university set to finally confront the final challenge that had loomed over him his entire life.
- Chitin
Name: Chitin
Race: Changeling
Gender: Male?
Age: 21
Appearance: bug like with a pair of elongated canines when he smiles
Skin color: Charcoal
Eye color: solid turquoise
Hair color: Light grey and unkempt (normally)
Tail color: light grey
Special Talent: transformation
Major: psychology
Personality: Ever changing Chitin’s personality in public is what it needs to be to fit in. Parties he is energetic, in classes he is focused and attentive. In private however, his mood is what he believes the hive needs, always acting on necessity rarely thinking of other before himself and his needs
Backstory: In the Hive, Chitin was raised as a hunter from birth, his training focused in the art of deception and blending in with the world around him to better find possible food to bring back to the hive for harvesting. This and his entire identity changed when a representative for the queen approached him.
Meeting in the anti chamber before the Queen’s throne room, Chitin learned that he had been chosen due to his age and abilities to leave the hive for a new mission, attending the Luna University, within the city of Salt Like City.
The Queen explained that as the hive grew its needs had grown with it, it had become so large that there were only two options left to the monarch, split the hive and have the two compete for resources, or try and integrate into the Equestrian society. Unbeknownst to the rest of the colony, talks between the monarchs had been going on and they had come to a decision. An experiment of small collections of changelings being deployed amongst various groups of Equestrians, work places, settings, and age groups were the targets to see how they would react to the insectoid mimics. From what he had been told, many had been accepted and now it was his groups turn.
The mission try and integrate into the university, make authentic friends who knew him for what he was, all the while acting as a changeling should, consuming emotions and for once not trying to fully blend in and hide. However Chitin, after being sent off to prepare to leave, had added something else to mission goals, as he looked through the pamphlet of Luna University, one subject grabbed his attention, psychology. It seemed interesting enough, the study of mental functions and behaviors, effectively the study of emotions and how or why they came about. He couldn’t lie this piqued his curiosity to the point that he had to dig further.
Gathering his supplies the changeling left the hive behind him, taking flight in his natural form, or at least close to his natural form. From his experience in the outside world he had decided to at least add hair and hide the holes in his arms and legs. No other race was naturally bald nor did any have literal holes through their bodies. If he wanted to make a good first impression, he might want to be a bit easier on the ponies eyes.
Race: Changeling
Gender: Male?
Age: 21
Appearance: bug like with a pair of elongated canines when he smiles
Skin color: Charcoal
Eye color: solid turquoise
Hair color: Light grey and unkempt (normally)
Tail color: light grey
Special Talent: transformation
Major: psychology
Personality: Ever changing Chitin’s personality in public is what it needs to be to fit in. Parties he is energetic, in classes he is focused and attentive. In private however, his mood is what he believes the hive needs, always acting on necessity rarely thinking of other before himself and his needs
Backstory: In the Hive, Chitin was raised as a hunter from birth, his training focused in the art of deception and blending in with the world around him to better find possible food to bring back to the hive for harvesting. This and his entire identity changed when a representative for the queen approached him.
Meeting in the anti chamber before the Queen’s throne room, Chitin learned that he had been chosen due to his age and abilities to leave the hive for a new mission, attending the Luna University, within the city of Salt Like City.
The Queen explained that as the hive grew its needs had grown with it, it had become so large that there were only two options left to the monarch, split the hive and have the two compete for resources, or try and integrate into the Equestrian society. Unbeknownst to the rest of the colony, talks between the monarchs had been going on and they had come to a decision. An experiment of small collections of changelings being deployed amongst various groups of Equestrians, work places, settings, and age groups were the targets to see how they would react to the insectoid mimics. From what he had been told, many had been accepted and now it was his groups turn.
The mission try and integrate into the university, make authentic friends who knew him for what he was, all the while acting as a changeling should, consuming emotions and for once not trying to fully blend in and hide. However Chitin, after being sent off to prepare to leave, had added something else to mission goals, as he looked through the pamphlet of Luna University, one subject grabbed his attention, psychology. It seemed interesting enough, the study of mental functions and behaviors, effectively the study of emotions and how or why they came about. He couldn’t lie this piqued his curiosity to the point that he had to dig further.
Gathering his supplies the changeling left the hive behind him, taking flight in his natural form, or at least close to his natural form. From his experience in the outside world he had decided to at least add hair and hide the holes in his arms and legs. No other race was naturally bald nor did any have literal holes through their bodies. If he wanted to make a good first impression, he might want to be a bit easier on the ponies eyes.
Re: EU Cast List (Approved characters)
Postby MagusZeal » Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:58 pm
Korkoa 3/3 (12/13 Short story winner)
- Razorclaw Adlig - NPC'd
Name: Razorclaw Adlig
Race: Griffon
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: Over six feet tall and thin, for a Griffon. However, he's still more well built than most ponies. His angular face is clean shaved, and his blonde hair is usually slicked back. He can usually be found wearing loose fitting shirts, jeans, combat boots and a black leather jacket.
Skin color: Light tan
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Blonde
Tail color: Black
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): N/A
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): N/A
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Criminal Justice
Personality: Razorclaw seems to be very rough and violent on first impression, eager to pick a fight with anyone who crosses him. What most don't know however, is that is simply a Griffon custom, one that he hasn't been able to drop. After getting to know him, most will find that he's a very loyal friend. He may be outspoken and opinionated, but he will stand for those he has a bond with and never back down. He also has some deep-seated self esteem and identity issues, though he rarely lets that show.
Backstory: Razorclaw comes from a very influential family in Clawdor. Growing up, he had the best of the best, his parents settled for nothing less. However, just before entering high school, Razorclaw's father was given the assignment to become the ambassador to Equestria, and the family relocated to Canterlot. Razorclaw went through a bit of an identity crisis while at Equestria High until he found two friends, and they quickly formed a friendship, known as the Triad. This helped Razorclaw get through high school, and now he faces the unknowns of college. He hopes to reunite the Triad, if only to have something familiar to hold on to.
Race: Griffon
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: Over six feet tall and thin, for a Griffon. However, he's still more well built than most ponies. His angular face is clean shaved, and his blonde hair is usually slicked back. He can usually be found wearing loose fitting shirts, jeans, combat boots and a black leather jacket.
Skin color: Light tan
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Blonde
Tail color: Black
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): N/A
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): N/A
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Criminal Justice
Personality: Razorclaw seems to be very rough and violent on first impression, eager to pick a fight with anyone who crosses him. What most don't know however, is that is simply a Griffon custom, one that he hasn't been able to drop. After getting to know him, most will find that he's a very loyal friend. He may be outspoken and opinionated, but he will stand for those he has a bond with and never back down. He also has some deep-seated self esteem and identity issues, though he rarely lets that show.
Backstory: Razorclaw comes from a very influential family in Clawdor. Growing up, he had the best of the best, his parents settled for nothing less. However, just before entering high school, Razorclaw's father was given the assignment to become the ambassador to Equestria, and the family relocated to Canterlot. Razorclaw went through a bit of an identity crisis while at Equestria High until he found two friends, and they quickly formed a friendship, known as the Triad. This helped Razorclaw get through high school, and now he faces the unknowns of college. He hopes to reunite the Triad, if only to have something familiar to hold on to.
Booster Gold
Name: Booster Gold
Race: Pony
Gender: Male
Appearance: On the shorter end of the scale, though not scrawny by any means. His soft, round features are usually graced with a smile for everyone, and he can usually be found with a black driving cap on. He wears an off white button up shirt with a blue vest over it, and pairs that with jeans and blue Converse.
Skin color: Dark tan
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Yellow
Tail color: Blue
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Boosting the magical talents of others.
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A blue and yellow line running perpendicular to each other, forming a plus symbol.
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Magical Theory.
Personality: Booster is always happy and smiling, and trying to bring a smile to other faces. He knows his thick accent amuses people, and plays it up to endear himself to them. He loves having friends, and those he grows close to he considers family.
Backstory: Booster grew up outside of Trottingham, in the Underhill Clan. He very rarely left home, and so formed a strong bond with his family and friends there. He always knew he didn't want to stay in Trottingham however, at least not for higher education. So when one of his relatives and long time friends, River Underhill, decided to go to Luna University, Booster decided that he'd follow, simply so there'd by at least one person he already knew.
Race: Pony
Gender: Male
Appearance: On the shorter end of the scale, though not scrawny by any means. His soft, round features are usually graced with a smile for everyone, and he can usually be found with a black driving cap on. He wears an off white button up shirt with a blue vest over it, and pairs that with jeans and blue Converse.
Skin color: Dark tan
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Yellow
Tail color: Blue
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Boosting the magical talents of others.
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A blue and yellow line running perpendicular to each other, forming a plus symbol.
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Magical Theory.
Personality: Booster is always happy and smiling, and trying to bring a smile to other faces. He knows his thick accent amuses people, and plays it up to endear himself to them. He loves having friends, and those he grows close to he considers family.
Backstory: Booster grew up outside of Trottingham, in the Underhill Clan. He very rarely left home, and so formed a strong bond with his family and friends there. He always knew he didn't want to stay in Trottingham however, at least not for higher education. So when one of his relatives and long time friends, River Underhill, decided to go to Luna University, Booster decided that he'd follow, simply so there'd by at least one person he already knew.
Tellymachus 'Tellie' Plato
Name: Tellymachus 'Tellie' Plato
Race: Hippogriff. (Griffon-Equine hybrid)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearance: Just over six foot tall, with a slender frame. She is deceptively strong, but not amazingly so. She tends to wear her hair in a tight ponytail, and a grey hoodie. When she feels down, the hood is pulled up tight, but other times she makes an effort to keep the hood down and try to engage the world. She wears a pair of dark jeans and black combat boots.
Skin color: Golden hued.
Eye color: The right eye, blue. The other, purple.
Hair color: Midnight black, almost dark blue in a certain light.
Tail color: Bright orange.
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): She's unsure, as she is a half-breed.
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): Blank.
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Undecided.
Personality: Quiet and reserved, frightened of people at large. Trying to break out of her shell and talk more, though she keeps deep-seated fears hidden. (mostly)
Backstory: The illegitimate daughter of a high-ranking Griffon official, Tellie spent much of her early life without a father figure and as an only child. She had very few friends growing up, because of her unique and, at the time, slightly frightening appearance. However, when she was fourteen, her father moved to Equestria and began to support her, along with her half-brother Razorclaw Adlig. She was very excited to have these Griffons in her life, however that excitement soon turned to dread. IT became clear that her father only had a passing interest in her, as she'd been raised as a pony. Razorclaw, even worse, outright hated her. He made her life through high school miserable for her, spreading rumors and bullying her. As a result, she spent most of high school by herself, alone and friendless. Now, as she moves to college, she is determined to remake herself and start healing from the emotional scars she'd accumulated.
Race: Hippogriff. (Griffon-Equine hybrid)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearance: Just over six foot tall, with a slender frame. She is deceptively strong, but not amazingly so. She tends to wear her hair in a tight ponytail, and a grey hoodie. When she feels down, the hood is pulled up tight, but other times she makes an effort to keep the hood down and try to engage the world. She wears a pair of dark jeans and black combat boots.
Skin color: Golden hued.
Eye color: The right eye, blue. The other, purple.
Hair color: Midnight black, almost dark blue in a certain light.
Tail color: Bright orange.
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): She's unsure, as she is a half-breed.
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): Blank.
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Undecided.
Personality: Quiet and reserved, frightened of people at large. Trying to break out of her shell and talk more, though she keeps deep-seated fears hidden. (mostly)
Backstory: The illegitimate daughter of a high-ranking Griffon official, Tellie spent much of her early life without a father figure and as an only child. She had very few friends growing up, because of her unique and, at the time, slightly frightening appearance. However, when she was fourteen, her father moved to Equestria and began to support her, along with her half-brother Razorclaw Adlig. She was very excited to have these Griffons in her life, however that excitement soon turned to dread. IT became clear that her father only had a passing interest in her, as she'd been raised as a pony. Razorclaw, even worse, outright hated her. He made her life through high school miserable for her, spreading rumors and bullying her. As a result, she spent most of high school by herself, alone and friendless. Now, as she moves to college, she is determined to remake herself and start healing from the emotional scars she'd accumulated.
- Atriark
Name: Atriark
Race: Zebra
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Appearance: Stands just barely at Five feet and looks wiry.
Skin color: Black and white.
Eye color: Left: Hazel, Right: Dark Blue
Hair color: Striped
Tail color: Striped
Special Talent: Hand-to-Hand combat
Cutie Mark: Zebra Rune for Luck
Major: Pre-Med
Personality: Atriark likes to keep to himself mostly because he is still uncomfortable speaking Equestrian. He has a lot of war stories that he only briefly mentions in class. He doesn't much like company and dislikes attention.
History: Born outside of Equestria, Atriark became a medical doctor at an early age. He spent most of his days tending to wounds and illnesses caused by wars in his homeland. Learning "on the job" was the only type of schooling he received and he had to learn quickly, or equines lost their lives. After the years, Atriark grew to distaste tending to the injured by war and moved to Equestria to practice medicine there. Despite having years of knowledge, law required that he get a medical degree to practice in Equestria, and thus here he is.
Race: Zebra
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Appearance: Stands just barely at Five feet and looks wiry.
Skin color: Black and white.
Eye color: Left: Hazel, Right: Dark Blue
Hair color: Striped
Tail color: Striped
Special Talent: Hand-to-Hand combat
Cutie Mark: Zebra Rune for Luck

Major: Pre-Med
Personality: Atriark likes to keep to himself mostly because he is still uncomfortable speaking Equestrian. He has a lot of war stories that he only briefly mentions in class. He doesn't much like company and dislikes attention.
History: Born outside of Equestria, Atriark became a medical doctor at an early age. He spent most of his days tending to wounds and illnesses caused by wars in his homeland. Learning "on the job" was the only type of schooling he received and he had to learn quickly, or equines lost their lives. After the years, Atriark grew to distaste tending to the injured by war and moved to Equestria to practice medicine there. Despite having years of knowledge, law required that he get a medical degree to practice in Equestria, and thus here he is.
Static Shock
Name: Static Shock.
Race: Pony/Zebra
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Appearance: Slender, average height for a pony. Green eyes, shoulder-length hair pulled into a ponytail or left loose.
Skin color: Darkish purple
Eye color: Green
Hair color:Black, several purple streaks
Tail color: Black, several purple streaks
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Production/Manipulation of electricity.
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A bolt of blue lightning
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Applied magics. (Minor in physics)
Personality: A mind that goes a mile a second, Static can bounce from topic to topic with ease. She often finds herself lost in her own head, where she is the only one who can understand herself. Though she doesn't always make sense, there is usually some kind of logical progression in her thoughts, it just happens much too quickly for most people to follow. Despite this however, she is bubbly and outgoing, always trying to make more friends.
Backstory: Growing up in Ponyville, Static was always happy to practice magic. Her mother taught her all she could, and she learned much very quickly. Always eager to practice and show off, she often showed her brother, Double Edge, what she'd learned; it wasn't until years later that she realized her swift advancement may have left her brother feeling useless in the ways of magic. While eager to befriend nearly everyone she met, she found it difficult to keep friends due to her overbearing personality. Very few of her peers stayed friends with her for long, besides her brother who she grew to rely on. When Double Edge left on his own adventure, Static was lost. Her parents got her a job working for a local mechanic, which she threw herself into to avoid the thought that she had nobody left who could understand her. It was here that she discovered a love for learning how to make things work, building and repairing machines. A special interest to her was how to use her special talent in this, she created several small trinkets powered by her magic, running on electricity. While they admittedly didn't do much, they were things of hers, and she wanted to find out more about how things worked and how her magic could be applied. After several years of working, she finally decided to go to school at Luna University, hoping to one day become a great inventor.
Race: Pony/Zebra
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Appearance: Slender, average height for a pony. Green eyes, shoulder-length hair pulled into a ponytail or left loose.
Skin color: Darkish purple
Eye color: Green
Hair color:Black, several purple streaks
Tail color: Black, several purple streaks
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Production/Manipulation of electricity.
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A bolt of blue lightning
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Applied magics. (Minor in physics)
Personality: A mind that goes a mile a second, Static can bounce from topic to topic with ease. She often finds herself lost in her own head, where she is the only one who can understand herself. Though she doesn't always make sense, there is usually some kind of logical progression in her thoughts, it just happens much too quickly for most people to follow. Despite this however, she is bubbly and outgoing, always trying to make more friends.
Backstory: Growing up in Ponyville, Static was always happy to practice magic. Her mother taught her all she could, and she learned much very quickly. Always eager to practice and show off, she often showed her brother, Double Edge, what she'd learned; it wasn't until years later that she realized her swift advancement may have left her brother feeling useless in the ways of magic. While eager to befriend nearly everyone she met, she found it difficult to keep friends due to her overbearing personality. Very few of her peers stayed friends with her for long, besides her brother who she grew to rely on. When Double Edge left on his own adventure, Static was lost. Her parents got her a job working for a local mechanic, which she threw herself into to avoid the thought that she had nobody left who could understand her. It was here that she discovered a love for learning how to make things work, building and repairing machines. A special interest to her was how to use her special talent in this, she created several small trinkets powered by her magic, running on electricity. While they admittedly didn't do much, they were things of hers, and she wanted to find out more about how things worked and how her magic could be applied. After several years of working, she finally decided to go to school at Luna University, hoping to one day become a great inventor.
Re: EU Cast List (Approved characters)
Postby MagusZeal » Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:31 pm
MagusZeal 2/3 (12/13 short story winner)
- Tarnished Repute
Name: Tarnished Repute
Race: Earth pony
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Appearance: Shorter than most, Tranished is often found wearing button up shirts and slacks. Always keeping his hair neat and short the student is often mistaken for a professor given his demeanure when on campus.
Skin color: Redish pink
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown w/ tan fleckes
Tail color: Brown w/ tan fleckes
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Public speaking
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): Dingy podium
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Political Science
Personality: A studious student Tarnished is often willing to offer help to his classmates though he often asks for a favor for later for his time. Wanting nothing more than to get through school Tarnished has manged to keep his head down and focus on his classes while pining over his girlfriend back home not being near.
Backstory: From a well to do family in the small isolated town of Trottingham, Tarnished was always a smooth talker and many see a future in politics for the young man. Not sure himself the young man still enrolled in Luna University. Now in his second year he's ecstatic that his girlfriend River will be joining him during his second year, more so since they'll be sharing an apartment, though both of their families are only providing enough allowance for the pair to pay for half of the apartment necessitating they find two more roommates for the semester.
Race: Earth pony
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Appearance: Shorter than most, Tranished is often found wearing button up shirts and slacks. Always keeping his hair neat and short the student is often mistaken for a professor given his demeanure when on campus.
Skin color: Redish pink
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown w/ tan fleckes
Tail color: Brown w/ tan fleckes
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Public speaking
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): Dingy podium
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Political Science
Personality: A studious student Tarnished is often willing to offer help to his classmates though he often asks for a favor for later for his time. Wanting nothing more than to get through school Tarnished has manged to keep his head down and focus on his classes while pining over his girlfriend back home not being near.
Backstory: From a well to do family in the small isolated town of Trottingham, Tarnished was always a smooth talker and many see a future in politics for the young man. Not sure himself the young man still enrolled in Luna University. Now in his second year he's ecstatic that his girlfriend River will be joining him during his second year, more so since they'll be sharing an apartment, though both of their families are only providing enough allowance for the pair to pay for half of the apartment necessitating they find two more roommates for the semester.
Name: Silvershine
Race: Earth
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearance: Well toned muscles from a youth growing up around swordplay dance and hide behind flowing blouses and loose nonrestrictive pants. Her hair often loose and short the young mare tries not to stand out. Though no matter what the young mare wears she always keeps her thighs covered.
Skin color: Pale yellow
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Midnight blue
Tail color: Midnight blue
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra):
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): None.
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Undeclared.
Personality: Friendly and generally outgoing the young mare is quick to make friends, but always seemed concerned when others ask about her parents or when folks ask about her talent.
Backstory: Daughter of three time Mistress of Blades champion Angelblade and Luna Universities so called Mad Professor Mustang Magus, Silvershine always knew where she was going once she got out of high school. Not to follow in her parents foot steps, and get out of the house finally to share a dorm with her best friend Prism, always felt right to her. So what if she still hadn't discovered her talent, or that her mother had been out competing in tournaments across the globe since she was four leaving her to be raised mostly her dad and Prism's parents? That was no big deal, sides she knew the school grounds better than the grounds keeper's, she practically learned to walk and run across them.
Hopefully here finally away from her parents she could figure out what she was good at, along with maybe finally finding somepony that wouldn't run at the mention of either of her parents.
Race: Earth
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearance: Well toned muscles from a youth growing up around swordplay dance and hide behind flowing blouses and loose nonrestrictive pants. Her hair often loose and short the young mare tries not to stand out. Though no matter what the young mare wears she always keeps her thighs covered.
Skin color: Pale yellow
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Midnight blue
Tail color: Midnight blue
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra):
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): None.
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Undeclared.
Personality: Friendly and generally outgoing the young mare is quick to make friends, but always seemed concerned when others ask about her parents or when folks ask about her talent.
Backstory: Daughter of three time Mistress of Blades champion Angelblade and Luna Universities so called Mad Professor Mustang Magus, Silvershine always knew where she was going once she got out of high school. Not to follow in her parents foot steps, and get out of the house finally to share a dorm with her best friend Prism, always felt right to her. So what if she still hadn't discovered her talent, or that her mother had been out competing in tournaments across the globe since she was four leaving her to be raised mostly her dad and Prism's parents? That was no big deal, sides she knew the school grounds better than the grounds keeper's, she practically learned to walk and run across them.
Hopefully here finally away from her parents she could figure out what she was good at, along with maybe finally finding somepony that wouldn't run at the mention of either of her parents.
- Johan Schütze
Name: Johan Schütze
Race: Griffon
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: Wheelchair bound, Johan has pale gray fur and darker gray feathers.
Skin color: Pale gray
Eye color: Brilliant emerald
Hair color: Dark Gray
Tail color: Pale Gray with brown fur at the end
Special Talent: N/A
Cutiemark: N/A
Major: Magical Theory
Personality: Johan is cold and distant, but has the heart (and mind) of an inventor. Remarkably skilled at finding how things work.
Backstory: Born without his legs in the Griffonic backwater of Halden, Johan was considered a cripple and an outcast long before he was shipped off to Equestria to "further his education". Fresh off the boat, Johan has a firm grasp on Equestrian, but still reverts to his native tongue in times of stress. As soon as he arrived, he took the opportunity to learn about Equestrian magic; perhaps that would give him the legs he was denied at birth. In any case, this immigrant will need to learn the ropes fast at Equestria University.
Race: Griffon
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: Wheelchair bound, Johan has pale gray fur and darker gray feathers.
Skin color: Pale gray
Eye color: Brilliant emerald
Hair color: Dark Gray
Tail color: Pale Gray with brown fur at the end
Special Talent: N/A
Cutiemark: N/A
Major: Magical Theory
Personality: Johan is cold and distant, but has the heart (and mind) of an inventor. Remarkably skilled at finding how things work.
Backstory: Born without his legs in the Griffonic backwater of Halden, Johan was considered a cripple and an outcast long before he was shipped off to Equestria to "further his education". Fresh off the boat, Johan has a firm grasp on Equestrian, but still reverts to his native tongue in times of stress. As soon as he arrived, he took the opportunity to learn about Equestrian magic; perhaps that would give him the legs he was denied at birth. In any case, this immigrant will need to learn the ropes fast at Equestria University.
Re: EU Cast List (Approved characters)
Postby MagusZeal » Thu Nov 07, 2013 12:05 am
Mrmegamax95 2/2
- Silverwing "The Phoenix" FÖRSTNER
Name: Silverwing "The Phoenix" FÖRSTNER
Race: Gryphon
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: Big, and beefy can describe Silverwing "The Phoenix" as he is now, even by gryphon standards. Standing at 6 foot 4, he has huge muscles, smooth skin, and hair that he dies to look like fire. With orange roots and yellow highlights. he's done the same to his naturally silver-edged wing feathers. He can be found wearing his letterman's jackets, mostly from his only year of sports, when it is in season. Otherwise, he simply wears tight clothing to show off his muscles.
Skin color: Bronzed from his exposure to the sun and tanning beds.
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Red-orange and yellow, naturally a really dark brown.
Tail color: Again dyed, but the same as his hair color.
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Business
Personality: Very much so overbearing, vain, proud, and arrogant, Silverwing seems to think that he's the biggest thing on campus. And he can get away with his behavior most of the time due to his stunning good looks, deep voice, and skill with a ball. However, behind this cloud of of "charisma" is still his original self, now buried by the new Silverwing. Really, deep down, he's very much so insecure and requiring of praise and attention. While at the same time desiring to go back to his old ways, yet desiring just as much his new-found "popularity". He is also prone to anger when things don't go his way, but they usually do anyways.
Backstory: For most of his highschool career, Silverwing was a nerd. And not the cool kind of nerd, either. A classic nerd. The kind that geeks pick on after the rest have had their way. This continued until the summer after junior year, where Silverwing returned to band-camp looking a bit... different... Actually, a lot different. Yes, due to puberty finally straightening out, a new workout routine, and anti-acne medication, Silverwing had totally reworked his body. And, finding that his now-stellar good looks and attractive voice made him more popular, he decided to cast aside his old friends and truly adopt that "cool kid" lifestyle that he saw in media. Partying, sports over band, pop-music over the indie stuff, all of that. Understandably, his grades took a dive far lower than his old self would have allowed. However, in the equivalent of football, he managed to excel, having studied and practiced at it rather hard, allowing him a pick of many universities when college came up. Thus, he settled on Luna University, figuring that a prestigious Equestrian University would make his diploma in business look far better and make it easier for him to dominate on the field. So, he applied, was given a sports scholarship, and came to be the best athlete this school has ever known.
However, he has not forgotten his old passions, making them his guilty pleasure. He didn't hang out with his old friends, but he still occasionally bought comic books and such whilst incognito. Whenever anyone asked him about them, he simply stated that he enjoyed them "ironically". Thusly, not wanting to give it up, he has brought a box labelled "Ironic Nerd Stuff" in his native Gryphonic.
Race: Gryphon
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: Big, and beefy can describe Silverwing "The Phoenix" as he is now, even by gryphon standards. Standing at 6 foot 4, he has huge muscles, smooth skin, and hair that he dies to look like fire. With orange roots and yellow highlights. he's done the same to his naturally silver-edged wing feathers. He can be found wearing his letterman's jackets, mostly from his only year of sports, when it is in season. Otherwise, he simply wears tight clothing to show off his muscles.
Skin color: Bronzed from his exposure to the sun and tanning beds.
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Red-orange and yellow, naturally a really dark brown.
Tail color: Again dyed, but the same as his hair color.
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Business
Personality: Very much so overbearing, vain, proud, and arrogant, Silverwing seems to think that he's the biggest thing on campus. And he can get away with his behavior most of the time due to his stunning good looks, deep voice, and skill with a ball. However, behind this cloud of of "charisma" is still his original self, now buried by the new Silverwing. Really, deep down, he's very much so insecure and requiring of praise and attention. While at the same time desiring to go back to his old ways, yet desiring just as much his new-found "popularity". He is also prone to anger when things don't go his way, but they usually do anyways.
Backstory: For most of his highschool career, Silverwing was a nerd. And not the cool kind of nerd, either. A classic nerd. The kind that geeks pick on after the rest have had their way. This continued until the summer after junior year, where Silverwing returned to band-camp looking a bit... different... Actually, a lot different. Yes, due to puberty finally straightening out, a new workout routine, and anti-acne medication, Silverwing had totally reworked his body. And, finding that his now-stellar good looks and attractive voice made him more popular, he decided to cast aside his old friends and truly adopt that "cool kid" lifestyle that he saw in media. Partying, sports over band, pop-music over the indie stuff, all of that. Understandably, his grades took a dive far lower than his old self would have allowed. However, in the equivalent of football, he managed to excel, having studied and practiced at it rather hard, allowing him a pick of many universities when college came up. Thus, he settled on Luna University, figuring that a prestigious Equestrian University would make his diploma in business look far better and make it easier for him to dominate on the field. So, he applied, was given a sports scholarship, and came to be the best athlete this school has ever known.
However, he has not forgotten his old passions, making them his guilty pleasure. He didn't hang out with his old friends, but he still occasionally bought comic books and such whilst incognito. Whenever anyone asked him about them, he simply stated that he enjoyed them "ironically". Thusly, not wanting to give it up, he has brought a box labelled "Ironic Nerd Stuff" in his native Gryphonic.
Name: Zezoor Stargazer
Race: Zebra-Unicorn Hybrid
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Appearance: Wiry and of slightly lesser height than most of the others at the university. He is light blue with dark-blue stripes, and seafoam green hair in traditional Zebrican style, with a horn poking out at the end of his little mohawk. He also wears an earring on his right ear.
Skin color: Light blue with darker blue stripes
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Seafoam green
Tail color: Same as his hair
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Healing and spreading happiness
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A pair of hands juggling a book, a smile, and a
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Pre-Med, although he minors in and appears to more greatly enjoy theater.
Personality: Zezoor is very much goofy and easily excitable when hanging around with those he considers friends. He also very much enjoys pranks, jokes, stories, and other silly things, along with bright colors. However, when around elders or those whom he deems superiors, he is very much so reserved and polite until given permission to act otherwise. The only time that he actually expresses anger is when his father is brought up, or if he sees someone acting cruel or uncouth. He also has a tendency not to explain things that seem obvious to him, or to otherwise say answer questions that others do not ask. He also speaks the several languages that he knows in rhyme, other than his native Zebrican.
Backstory: Born in the Zebrican lands, Zezoor never knew the father whom gave him his last name, instead being raised by his grandparents and mother. He did, however, know the effects of war on his nation, if not directly. Being raised in a richer trading city, albeit on the poorer end, he never physically became involved in the conflicts that plagued his homeland. However, he did see the steady flow of refugees and those injured by the conflict. Seeing just how much damage was done to these poor people, the zebricorn vowed to find a way to end as much suffering as he could. Thus, he resolved to become a doctor. Burying himself in his studies, he quickly showed just how intelligent he could be. He quickly became a master of many first-aid procedures, and gained an almost encyclopedic knowledge of various diseases, disorders, and medicines. Thus, he earned nicknames of "Sissy Shaman" and "Medicine Boy", along with a few bullies. This ended when he was cornered and discovered his second talent, entertainment and smooth-talking. He was able to bring smiles to many foes-turned-friends' faces, and he even joined the local theater for productions. Eventually, the boy became a teen, and the teen became an adult whom got accepted to a local university on a scholarship due to his excellent grades.
Once there, he studied hard and buried himself in work. Until, one day, he found a chance to apply for a transfer to Luna University. Figuring that an Equestrian university would give him an even better preparation for becoming a doctor, he filled out an application and went back to work. It eventually left his mind completely, pushed out by his classwork. Then, he got a letter in the mail, detailing how he had been accepted into the program, now able to study in the Equestria. Now, as a first-year Junior in LU, Zezoor hopes to finally fulfill his dream of becoming a great doctor. As well as, perhaps, learning more about performance, he signed up for a minor in theater. With his greater interest in studying how to act and hanging around with friends, he will probably not spend any more time re-learning medicine than he has to...
Race: Zebra-Unicorn Hybrid
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Appearance: Wiry and of slightly lesser height than most of the others at the university. He is light blue with dark-blue stripes, and seafoam green hair in traditional Zebrican style, with a horn poking out at the end of his little mohawk. He also wears an earring on his right ear.
Skin color: Light blue with darker blue stripes
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Seafoam green
Tail color: Same as his hair
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Healing and spreading happiness
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A pair of hands juggling a book, a smile, and a
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Pre-Med, although he minors in and appears to more greatly enjoy theater.
Personality: Zezoor is very much goofy and easily excitable when hanging around with those he considers friends. He also very much enjoys pranks, jokes, stories, and other silly things, along with bright colors. However, when around elders or those whom he deems superiors, he is very much so reserved and polite until given permission to act otherwise. The only time that he actually expresses anger is when his father is brought up, or if he sees someone acting cruel or uncouth. He also has a tendency not to explain things that seem obvious to him, or to otherwise say answer questions that others do not ask. He also speaks the several languages that he knows in rhyme, other than his native Zebrican.
Backstory: Born in the Zebrican lands, Zezoor never knew the father whom gave him his last name, instead being raised by his grandparents and mother. He did, however, know the effects of war on his nation, if not directly. Being raised in a richer trading city, albeit on the poorer end, he never physically became involved in the conflicts that plagued his homeland. However, he did see the steady flow of refugees and those injured by the conflict. Seeing just how much damage was done to these poor people, the zebricorn vowed to find a way to end as much suffering as he could. Thus, he resolved to become a doctor. Burying himself in his studies, he quickly showed just how intelligent he could be. He quickly became a master of many first-aid procedures, and gained an almost encyclopedic knowledge of various diseases, disorders, and medicines. Thus, he earned nicknames of "Sissy Shaman" and "Medicine Boy", along with a few bullies. This ended when he was cornered and discovered his second talent, entertainment and smooth-talking. He was able to bring smiles to many foes-turned-friends' faces, and he even joined the local theater for productions. Eventually, the boy became a teen, and the teen became an adult whom got accepted to a local university on a scholarship due to his excellent grades.
Once there, he studied hard and buried himself in work. Until, one day, he found a chance to apply for a transfer to Luna University. Figuring that an Equestrian university would give him an even better preparation for becoming a doctor, he filled out an application and went back to work. It eventually left his mind completely, pushed out by his classwork. Then, he got a letter in the mail, detailing how he had been accepted into the program, now able to study in the Equestria. Now, as a first-year Junior in LU, Zezoor hopes to finally fulfill his dream of becoming a great doctor. As well as, perhaps, learning more about performance, he signed up for a minor in theater. With his greater interest in studying how to act and hanging around with friends, he will probably not spend any more time re-learning medicine than he has to...
- Delightful Payne
Name: Delightful Payne
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Appearance: Somewhat shorter than average, with a slim build. Looks rather fragile in her normal clothes, but is built like an athlete. Her hair falls halfway down her back, or is sometimes done up in a complicated bun, while her tail trails a little above her ankle. She wears elegant dresses, and frilly blouses, but would rather wear something simple like a tank-top, and sports shorts.
Skin color: Cream
Eye color: Crimson
Hair color: Deep Dark Red, but shine's a bit brighter red under sunlight or bright lights.
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Track and Field or 'Traditional' Sports in general, but she's forced to tell everyone it's Finance.
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): Laurel Wreathe, but there's a sticker that's of an Iron Crown.
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Business, though Journalism's more interesting to her.
Personality: On the outside, Payne's the most pleasant pony to get along with. The epitome of polite, knowing her manners and respectfully addressing others, all while keeping a good composure and an almost aloof demeanor towards everything. Rarely would you see her say a cruel word to anyone she passed, let alone cuss. But she almost seems distant at times, as well as painfully humble at points as well, to the point where trying to become anything closer than friendly acquaintances would be like trying to vault across the Grand Canyon with a toothpick. In fact, Humility is probably her most outstanding characteristic. In fact, it's hard to hold anything against her ladylike persona, due to how hard she tries to be nothing but pleasant. She also seems slightly air-headed at times too. Though despite the fact she seems ladylike, she's a bit flippant on showing off her cutie mark.
That's because In reality, Payne's a headstrong, arrogant, bold, highly competitive, brash, stubborn, and proud to a fault individual. It's her tiny act of defiance, to show off that sticker that covered her actual cutie mark. The girl almost has anger issues due to being forced to repress her true personality and feelings on a constant basis, that she'd frequently go into irrational fits of rage when she's by herself, snapping at some of the littlest things. As evidence, she has a bucket full of broken pencils from whenever a piece of homework wasn't understood well (which was often). But she's also extraordinarily passionate about the things she cares about, whenever she's able to find something to care about, almost to the point she'd get into fist fights with whoever would go against it. ...That is, if she were allowed to. Payne's almost truthfully tomboyish as well, she despises all the girly and elegant crap she has to pretend to be 24/7, and would rather wear something a bit less... airy. She'd also like to be taken more seriously as well. And to use her wings more, as she was forbidden from letting her wings expanding farther than an eighth of it's span, and her feet/hooves (? I dunno.) from leaving the ground at all. She lies about being physically slight to avoid any questions, which pisses her off the most.
Backstory: Payne's the daughter of one of Luna Universities' biggest benefactors, and very wealthy Iron Baron, Royal 'Regal' Payne. Though he could've gotten his name changed, Regal did not want to tarnish the Payne name, as his father before him, and his father before him, and his father before him and so on had that name, and proudly bore it. So he chose Regal, as it didn't sound as bad to be a 'Regal Payne', but also made his acquiring of his business more legitimate. He's also secretly part of a trust, and is the head of the board of trustees that overlooks that trust. And thanks to his achievements, Regal would do anything he can to his keep status at all cost.
Because of this, Delightful's had an unrealistically strict upbringing, learning how to be ladylike and how to act among other nobles and some such. Also an extensive amount of self-defense martial arts, but she was given a pretty bad beating if it was ever found out that she let anyone know that she could do so. The strictness was to the point that Payne never really had any friends growing up, and even when she did, they soon went off to have fun while she was stuck at home, basically being brought up to be the perfect Lady to be married off to some other baron in the trust. She's also never known who her mother is.
Though, ever since she was little, Payne has always wanted to do sports and other athletics like that, but her father didn't like that at all. And despite her attempts at rebellion and going against her father, her rebellious spirit was quashed in the end, and she's learned it'd be better to just do what she's told then.
In fact, attending Luna University was a fluke, since most of her education was to be private. But some unplanned circumstances lead to her enrollment in Luna Universities, with her living in a posh apartment nearby, with the maid that's taken care of her ever since she was born. So despite the fact that Payne had no hope of possibly defying her father's wishes, there was still a spark that she might be able to.
Of course, her enrollment had nothing to do with Payne's academic abilities (though she would probably meet requirements as her academic skills only barely met requirements, and her hypothetical involvement in sports would've definitely made up for it), but was in fact all thanks to her father's influence. Something which she hated, but couldn't say anything against it.
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Appearance: Somewhat shorter than average, with a slim build. Looks rather fragile in her normal clothes, but is built like an athlete. Her hair falls halfway down her back, or is sometimes done up in a complicated bun, while her tail trails a little above her ankle. She wears elegant dresses, and frilly blouses, but would rather wear something simple like a tank-top, and sports shorts.
Skin color: Cream
Eye color: Crimson
Hair color: Deep Dark Red, but shine's a bit brighter red under sunlight or bright lights.
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Track and Field or 'Traditional' Sports in general, but she's forced to tell everyone it's Finance.
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): Laurel Wreathe, but there's a sticker that's of an Iron Crown.
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Business, though Journalism's more interesting to her.
Personality: On the outside, Payne's the most pleasant pony to get along with. The epitome of polite, knowing her manners and respectfully addressing others, all while keeping a good composure and an almost aloof demeanor towards everything. Rarely would you see her say a cruel word to anyone she passed, let alone cuss. But she almost seems distant at times, as well as painfully humble at points as well, to the point where trying to become anything closer than friendly acquaintances would be like trying to vault across the Grand Canyon with a toothpick. In fact, Humility is probably her most outstanding characteristic. In fact, it's hard to hold anything against her ladylike persona, due to how hard she tries to be nothing but pleasant. She also seems slightly air-headed at times too. Though despite the fact she seems ladylike, she's a bit flippant on showing off her cutie mark.
That's because In reality, Payne's a headstrong, arrogant, bold, highly competitive, brash, stubborn, and proud to a fault individual. It's her tiny act of defiance, to show off that sticker that covered her actual cutie mark. The girl almost has anger issues due to being forced to repress her true personality and feelings on a constant basis, that she'd frequently go into irrational fits of rage when she's by herself, snapping at some of the littlest things. As evidence, she has a bucket full of broken pencils from whenever a piece of homework wasn't understood well (which was often). But she's also extraordinarily passionate about the things she cares about, whenever she's able to find something to care about, almost to the point she'd get into fist fights with whoever would go against it. ...That is, if she were allowed to. Payne's almost truthfully tomboyish as well, she despises all the girly and elegant crap she has to pretend to be 24/7, and would rather wear something a bit less... airy. She'd also like to be taken more seriously as well. And to use her wings more, as she was forbidden from letting her wings expanding farther than an eighth of it's span, and her feet/hooves (? I dunno.) from leaving the ground at all. She lies about being physically slight to avoid any questions, which pisses her off the most.
Backstory: Payne's the daughter of one of Luna Universities' biggest benefactors, and very wealthy Iron Baron, Royal 'Regal' Payne. Though he could've gotten his name changed, Regal did not want to tarnish the Payne name, as his father before him, and his father before him, and his father before him and so on had that name, and proudly bore it. So he chose Regal, as it didn't sound as bad to be a 'Regal Payne', but also made his acquiring of his business more legitimate. He's also secretly part of a trust, and is the head of the board of trustees that overlooks that trust. And thanks to his achievements, Regal would do anything he can to his keep status at all cost.
Because of this, Delightful's had an unrealistically strict upbringing, learning how to be ladylike and how to act among other nobles and some such. Also an extensive amount of self-defense martial arts, but she was given a pretty bad beating if it was ever found out that she let anyone know that she could do so. The strictness was to the point that Payne never really had any friends growing up, and even when she did, they soon went off to have fun while she was stuck at home, basically being brought up to be the perfect Lady to be married off to some other baron in the trust. She's also never known who her mother is.
Though, ever since she was little, Payne has always wanted to do sports and other athletics like that, but her father didn't like that at all. And despite her attempts at rebellion and going against her father, her rebellious spirit was quashed in the end, and she's learned it'd be better to just do what she's told then.
In fact, attending Luna University was a fluke, since most of her education was to be private. But some unplanned circumstances lead to her enrollment in Luna Universities, with her living in a posh apartment nearby, with the maid that's taken care of her ever since she was born. So despite the fact that Payne had no hope of possibly defying her father's wishes, there was still a spark that she might be able to.
Of course, her enrollment had nothing to do with Payne's academic abilities (though she would probably meet requirements as her academic skills only barely met requirements, and her hypothetical involvement in sports would've definitely made up for it), but was in fact all thanks to her father's influence. Something which she hated, but couldn't say anything against it.
Cuppa Joe
Name: Cuppa Joe
Race: Earth Pony
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: Average Average Average. Average Height, Weight, and bulk. He wears shorts, pants, t-shirts and sweaters, hoodies or jackets based on the weather outside. Short hair, maybe a little unkempt at times, and a short tail.
Skin color: Caramel
Eye color: Cocoa
Hair color: Mocha
Tail color: Mocha
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Coffee Making
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): Disposable Coffee Cup. Coffee Sleeve and everything.
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Accounting
Personality: Joe's just your average college freshman. Hard working when he needs to be, a bit nervous at times when something happens he has no experience at all, but over all just goes about his business, minding his own business. He does get a bit too wired when he's had too much coffee to drink, but that usually only happens during cram sessions.
Backstory: Joe's good at making coffee. He has no idea why, his coffee is just better than others. He doesn't do anything special, he uses the same brewer as anyone else would use, and the same beans (ground or roasted, didn't matter) it just tasted better. He ended up always being a gofer for teachers during high school, or for his coach during early morning practice, thanks to this strange talent. He wouldn't be able to tell you anything special about coffee either, Joe didn't have any interest in the subject. It was just use whatever was available.
Thankfully though, it was pretty easy to get a job because of it. He just sort of walked behind the counter, started using the coffee machine much to the protest of the employees, and handed the cup to the boss of the place. Almost every time, he gets an apron and a hat to the face, and is told 'See you next tuesday newbie!' before walking out the door. Easy work, okay pay, Joe didn't complain.
Joe grew up in Seaddle, and went to school there. Any of the friends he made there were either from the soccer team or neighbors he hung out with to goof off after school. He was a sweeper, but most of the time he was benched since the star player had the same position. His grades were pretty average, but he worked hard in the later years and somehow got into Luna University, much to his parents delight. Not much of a dreamer though, he decided to go and major into accounting since it sounded like a pretty stable degree to get once he graduated.
The kid had a girlfriend too, but they ended up breaking up the summer after graduation. Since she was going to somewhere over seas, they both thought it was a better idea to just leave as friends, as they knew long distant relationships wouldn't really work. They did trade calls for a while, and letters, but it eventually faded. The last letter was maybe a month before he started college.
Race: Earth Pony
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: Average Average Average. Average Height, Weight, and bulk. He wears shorts, pants, t-shirts and sweaters, hoodies or jackets based on the weather outside. Short hair, maybe a little unkempt at times, and a short tail.
Skin color: Caramel
Eye color: Cocoa
Hair color: Mocha
Tail color: Mocha
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Coffee Making
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): Disposable Coffee Cup. Coffee Sleeve and everything.
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Accounting
Personality: Joe's just your average college freshman. Hard working when he needs to be, a bit nervous at times when something happens he has no experience at all, but over all just goes about his business, minding his own business. He does get a bit too wired when he's had too much coffee to drink, but that usually only happens during cram sessions.
Backstory: Joe's good at making coffee. He has no idea why, his coffee is just better than others. He doesn't do anything special, he uses the same brewer as anyone else would use, and the same beans (ground or roasted, didn't matter) it just tasted better. He ended up always being a gofer for teachers during high school, or for his coach during early morning practice, thanks to this strange talent. He wouldn't be able to tell you anything special about coffee either, Joe didn't have any interest in the subject. It was just use whatever was available.
Thankfully though, it was pretty easy to get a job because of it. He just sort of walked behind the counter, started using the coffee machine much to the protest of the employees, and handed the cup to the boss of the place. Almost every time, he gets an apron and a hat to the face, and is told 'See you next tuesday newbie!' before walking out the door. Easy work, okay pay, Joe didn't complain.
Joe grew up in Seaddle, and went to school there. Any of the friends he made there were either from the soccer team or neighbors he hung out with to goof off after school. He was a sweeper, but most of the time he was benched since the star player had the same position. His grades were pretty average, but he worked hard in the later years and somehow got into Luna University, much to his parents delight. Not much of a dreamer though, he decided to go and major into accounting since it sounded like a pretty stable degree to get once he graduated.
The kid had a girlfriend too, but they ended up breaking up the summer after graduation. Since she was going to somewhere over seas, they both thought it was a better idea to just leave as friends, as they knew long distant relationships wouldn't really work. They did trade calls for a while, and letters, but it eventually faded. The last letter was maybe a month before he started college.
Ryla Honorbund
Name: Ryla Honorbund
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Appearance: Taller than average, but only slightly, Ryla looks rather slim, despite her hobbies and her life overseas. Her hair's tied back up in a higher ponytail, to keep it out of her eyes (and because she thinks it looks cool). She always wears a full navy tracksuit, no matter the weather, and seems to not be bothered by the heat or the cold at all. If she had the choice, she'd probably wear her katana on her waist as well, the only thing that can signify her from being anywhere special, due to it's quality.
Skin Color: Light Tan
Eye Color: Maroonish Red
Hair color: Dark Brown
Tail color: Dark Brown
Special Talent: Bladed Weaponry
Cutie Mark: A cherry blossom cleaved in two.
Major: Finance
Personality: Easy going and laid back, Ryla just seems a very relaxed person, maybe being a bit too lax on responsibilities at times as well. Though she does respect authority fairly well, even after being told to do something or not to do something, she tends to forget quickly, and go about her business as usual. Formerly a hot head, her wreckless nature had long been beaten out of her from living overseas for a while, and training along with going to school there. Though if angered, she could easily toss someone halfway down a hallway without any thought, but that's if you can get her angry.
Backstory: Ryla grew up in Equestria, along with her precious, and adorable little brother Tyrfang, and his little friend Delightful, but after she found her cutie mark, she asked her mother if she could get trained and schooled overseas, but without any special benefits. So starting in middle school, she was on her own, housed in a dojo belonging to a tengu master. She trained, and went to school for many years, battling various demons (competitively of course, didn't mean they were tough though), and eventually making it as one of the top participants in any tournament related to fighting.
However, after graduating high school and finishing training, Ryla decided perhaps it was best to return home, and maybe get an education to get a job later in the family business. After all, she can't keep fighting all her life... but she was still young, so why not enjoy it for now? So she transferred to Luna University, hoping to have a bit of fun before she graduates.
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Appearance: Taller than average, but only slightly, Ryla looks rather slim, despite her hobbies and her life overseas. Her hair's tied back up in a higher ponytail, to keep it out of her eyes (and because she thinks it looks cool). She always wears a full navy tracksuit, no matter the weather, and seems to not be bothered by the heat or the cold at all. If she had the choice, she'd probably wear her katana on her waist as well, the only thing that can signify her from being anywhere special, due to it's quality.
Skin Color: Light Tan
Eye Color: Maroonish Red
Hair color: Dark Brown
Tail color: Dark Brown
Special Talent: Bladed Weaponry
Cutie Mark: A cherry blossom cleaved in two.
Major: Finance
Personality: Easy going and laid back, Ryla just seems a very relaxed person, maybe being a bit too lax on responsibilities at times as well. Though she does respect authority fairly well, even after being told to do something or not to do something, she tends to forget quickly, and go about her business as usual. Formerly a hot head, her wreckless nature had long been beaten out of her from living overseas for a while, and training along with going to school there. Though if angered, she could easily toss someone halfway down a hallway without any thought, but that's if you can get her angry.
Backstory: Ryla grew up in Equestria, along with her precious, and adorable little brother Tyrfang, and his little friend Delightful, but after she found her cutie mark, she asked her mother if she could get trained and schooled overseas, but without any special benefits. So starting in middle school, she was on her own, housed in a dojo belonging to a tengu master. She trained, and went to school for many years, battling various demons (competitively of course, didn't mean they were tough though), and eventually making it as one of the top participants in any tournament related to fighting.
However, after graduating high school and finishing training, Ryla decided perhaps it was best to return home, and maybe get an education to get a job later in the family business. After all, she can't keep fighting all her life... but she was still young, so why not enjoy it for now? So she transferred to Luna University, hoping to have a bit of fun before she graduates.
Re: EU Cast List (Approved characters)
Postby MagusZeal » Mon Dec 23, 2013 1:06 am
Morningglory 3/3 (12/13 short story winner)
XaidenShouni 1/2
- Evelyn "Ivy" Alistair
Name: Evelyn "Ivy" Alistair
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Appearance: Ivy is short, only standing about 4'11, with long wavy hair she pulls back into a low ponytail, bright eyes and a young looking face. She is often mistaken for a high school student, though she's a junior at the university.
Completely pony version:
Skin color: Pale green
Eye color: Rosy red
Hair color: Red and light pink
Tail color: Red and light pink
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Gardening
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A dark green arabesque of ivy leaves and a bright red hibiscus
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Botany
Personality: Ivy is a shy pegasus who mostly tries to stay out of the way. She prefers the company of her plants to the company of other students, and at a glance can seem standoffish to a fault.
Backstory: Ivy was born into a life of privilege, to two parents deeply entrenched in exotic botany. Her mother made her living studying and dealing in exotic plants, while her father studied agricultural genetic engineering. His work made her family rich, and so she grew up in a large house with servants and every luxury. However, Ivy often felt like a burden, as her father and mother spent so little time at home, and when they did, they had little desire to interact with their daughter. As such, Ivy had difficulty socializing with other ponies, and found solace in her parents' greenhouse. Once she graduated from high school, she decided to take up the family profession and the one thing she felt she was good at, botany and the study of plants.
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Appearance: Ivy is short, only standing about 4'11, with long wavy hair she pulls back into a low ponytail, bright eyes and a young looking face. She is often mistaken for a high school student, though she's a junior at the university.
Completely pony version:

Skin color: Pale green
Eye color: Rosy red
Hair color: Red and light pink
Tail color: Red and light pink
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Gardening
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A dark green arabesque of ivy leaves and a bright red hibiscus
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Botany
Personality: Ivy is a shy pegasus who mostly tries to stay out of the way. She prefers the company of her plants to the company of other students, and at a glance can seem standoffish to a fault.
Backstory: Ivy was born into a life of privilege, to two parents deeply entrenched in exotic botany. Her mother made her living studying and dealing in exotic plants, while her father studied agricultural genetic engineering. His work made her family rich, and so she grew up in a large house with servants and every luxury. However, Ivy often felt like a burden, as her father and mother spent so little time at home, and when they did, they had little desire to interact with their daughter. As such, Ivy had difficulty socializing with other ponies, and found solace in her parents' greenhouse. Once she graduated from high school, she decided to take up the family profession and the one thing she felt she was good at, botany and the study of plants.
Alicia "Lens Flare" Llewyn
Name: Alicia "Lens Flare" Llewyn
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Appearance: Jovial, tall and thin with a short a-line haircut and flowy, quirky clothes
Skin color: Pale blue
Eye color: Vibrant orange
Hair color: White and silver
Tail color: White and Silver
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Filmmaking
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A film reel
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Communication, Film and Theater (double major)
Personality: Jovial and quirky, Lens Flare always looks on the bright side of life, even if her films hint at a dark sense of humor
Backstory: Lens Flare was a middle child out of ten, and found herself never garnering much attention. She felt lost in the shuffle between her many brothers and sisters. At sixteen, she emancipated herself and moved into an artist's commune with several other artists, going to school by day and working late into the night. College seemed to her the one great chance to prove herself, to find her own way to join the greats of filmmaking. She strives for perfection in her work, going so far as annoying the daylights out of her actors to get the perfect shot.
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Appearance: Jovial, tall and thin with a short a-line haircut and flowy, quirky clothes
Skin color: Pale blue
Eye color: Vibrant orange
Hair color: White and silver
Tail color: White and Silver
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Filmmaking
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A film reel
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Communication, Film and Theater (double major)
Personality: Jovial and quirky, Lens Flare always looks on the bright side of life, even if her films hint at a dark sense of humor
Backstory: Lens Flare was a middle child out of ten, and found herself never garnering much attention. She felt lost in the shuffle between her many brothers and sisters. At sixteen, she emancipated herself and moved into an artist's commune with several other artists, going to school by day and working late into the night. College seemed to her the one great chance to prove herself, to find her own way to join the greats of filmmaking. She strives for perfection in her work, going so far as annoying the daylights out of her actors to get the perfect shot.
Starlit Serenade
Name: Starlit Serenade
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Appearance: Well put together, fashionably romantic. She looks the part of an opera pony, always wearing the perfect makeup, her hair done, her hooves hoofacured, hands manicured. She dresses to fit her curves, never trampy, always classically beautiful. A cross between these two and
Skin color: White, fading to black at her muzzle, hooves and hands.
Eye color: Vibrant blue
Hair color: Black with red accents
Tail color: Black with red accents
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Music, both writing and performing
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing):
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Musical performance
Personality: Dreamy and romantic, Serenade grew up reading and attending plays and operas about love, both gained and lost. She is often found daydreaming, jotting down sets of notes in her notebooks. She believes that there is a white knight out there for her somewhere, she just hasn't found him yet, and that she is the star of her own dramatic life story.
Backstory: Starlit Serenade is the love child of famed opera star, Prima Donna, and a brief liason with a popular opera conductor. This was something that her mother would never admit to, fearing it would damage both her and the conductor's musical reputation. As such, Serenade grew up without a father, and not really being acknowledged publicly by her mother. She lived in luxury, bouncing around between her mother's many flats and houses in nearly every cosmopolitan city in Equestria, tutored by well paid private teachers, never attending public or even private schools.
Given everything but a real sense of freedom, all she ever wanted was to go out, explore, and see the world with her own eyes, instead of just from the flat windows. She spent much of her time daydreaming and reading fairy tales in the books her tutors gave her, practicing the piano, violin and voice lessons her mother pushed on her at every turn. With her primary education out of the way, Prima gave Serenade her choice of colleges on one condition... She wouldn't talk about her mother to anyone. Eager to get out into the world, Serenade agreed, knowing once her college education was complete, Prima would take her on as an "apprentice", to give her the same rise to fame that she had.
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Appearance: Well put together, fashionably romantic. She looks the part of an opera pony, always wearing the perfect makeup, her hair done, her hooves hoofacured, hands manicured. She dresses to fit her curves, never trampy, always classically beautiful. A cross between these two and
Skin color: White, fading to black at her muzzle, hooves and hands.
Eye color: Vibrant blue
Hair color: Black with red accents
Tail color: Black with red accents
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Music, both writing and performing
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing):

Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Musical performance
Personality: Dreamy and romantic, Serenade grew up reading and attending plays and operas about love, both gained and lost. She is often found daydreaming, jotting down sets of notes in her notebooks. She believes that there is a white knight out there for her somewhere, she just hasn't found him yet, and that she is the star of her own dramatic life story.
Backstory: Starlit Serenade is the love child of famed opera star, Prima Donna, and a brief liason with a popular opera conductor. This was something that her mother would never admit to, fearing it would damage both her and the conductor's musical reputation. As such, Serenade grew up without a father, and not really being acknowledged publicly by her mother. She lived in luxury, bouncing around between her mother's many flats and houses in nearly every cosmopolitan city in Equestria, tutored by well paid private teachers, never attending public or even private schools.
Given everything but a real sense of freedom, all she ever wanted was to go out, explore, and see the world with her own eyes, instead of just from the flat windows. She spent much of her time daydreaming and reading fairy tales in the books her tutors gave her, practicing the piano, violin and voice lessons her mother pushed on her at every turn. With her primary education out of the way, Prima gave Serenade her choice of colleges on one condition... She wouldn't talk about her mother to anyone. Eager to get out into the world, Serenade agreed, knowing once her college education was complete, Prima would take her on as an "apprentice", to give her the same rise to fame that she had.
XaidenShouni 1/2
- Terra Nova
Name: Terra Nova
Race: Pegusai
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearance: Terra is slightly smaller for her age, although not by much. Her hair is always messy but it seems to fall into a usual style regardless of her doing anything with it. She also wears a black sailor suit uniform of her first college with a few alterations, what appears to be an eye on the left side collar and an X on the other as well as red fighting gloves. Here's a picture if needed
Skin color: Dark yellow
Eye color: Purple blue
Hair color: Black with a single red streak on her left side in the front
Tail color: Black with a red streak
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Gardening but she keeps this a secret from everyone
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A lotus flower, but it is hidden at all times by her skirt and is not on any of her clothing
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Undeclared but minoring in Combat Arts
Personality: Terra displays herself to be a fierce and stubborn girl. She acts like she's not afraid of anything, and often will challenge opponents rumored to be much stronger than her to single combat. Often though she goes about her daily tasks with little effort or concentration until she fights when she becomes incredibly fired up. Although she's deep down a very sensitive girl with gripping self confidence issues, she never displays that and will overcome any obstacle in her way through sheer willpower.
Backstory: Terra's family owns and operates a famous Kendo (sword skills) dojo far far away, and it is family tradition for each member to succeed the last once it's their time. However, Terra's entire family up until her had their special talents and cutiemarks be related to combat or swordsmanship. Terra was left to her own devices as a child as her cutiemark had not shown yet and the family was busy training her older brother to take up the mantle. She spent many a day in the dojo's garden as a result, left to wander amongst the plants and make friends with the gardener who tended it every day. One day Terra came upon a dead flower in the back corner of the garden, the gardener explained that it had been dead for a long time and it wouldn't bloom again but he didn't want to uproot it as it was a rare flower known as a Lotus. Terra decided to try her hand at it, and tended to the dead plant everyday for almost half a year.
Finally one morning the flower bloomed, as did her cutiemark, both of them sharing the same appearance. When her family found out they were outraged, and threw her from the dojo in disgrace as she did not posses the talent or cutiemark of their family. As she was of age, she went to a public boarding school as it was one of the few places she could find to give a bed to her for free. As she went to school she focused little on her studies, often getting in trouble at school for not trying or starting fights with the other children. However, she pored all of her efforts into learning swordsmanship so she could return and impress her family with her skill. One day when she was 16 (in highschool) she returned to challenge her family to a duel, however they wouldn't even let her inside the dojo saying it would "Disgrace the family to even allow her an honorable match". In fury Terra stole her father's sword and fled back to her school where she continued to train.
Eventually she entered Kendo tournaments from around her area, gaining enough money from the winnings to head off to college where she vowed she would become the strongest. In a manner of one semester she had already transferred schools and defeated every opponent she faced there. Now she has transferred to EU in the hopes of honing her skills and becoming the strongest swordsmen around, and hopefully one day having enough strength to defeat her father and show that it is not the mark on her flank that defines who she is.
Race: Pegusai
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearance: Terra is slightly smaller for her age, although not by much. Her hair is always messy but it seems to fall into a usual style regardless of her doing anything with it. She also wears a black sailor suit uniform of her first college with a few alterations, what appears to be an eye on the left side collar and an X on the other as well as red fighting gloves. Here's a picture if needed
Skin color: Dark yellow
Eye color: Purple blue
Hair color: Black with a single red streak on her left side in the front
Tail color: Black with a red streak
Special Talent (Pony or Zebra): Gardening but she keeps this a secret from everyone
Cutiemark(Located on thigh and probably clothing): A lotus flower, but it is hidden at all times by her skirt and is not on any of her clothing
Major(Doesn't have to be related to talent): Undeclared but minoring in Combat Arts
Personality: Terra displays herself to be a fierce and stubborn girl. She acts like she's not afraid of anything, and often will challenge opponents rumored to be much stronger than her to single combat. Often though she goes about her daily tasks with little effort or concentration until she fights when she becomes incredibly fired up. Although she's deep down a very sensitive girl with gripping self confidence issues, she never displays that and will overcome any obstacle in her way through sheer willpower.
Backstory: Terra's family owns and operates a famous Kendo (sword skills) dojo far far away, and it is family tradition for each member to succeed the last once it's their time. However, Terra's entire family up until her had their special talents and cutiemarks be related to combat or swordsmanship. Terra was left to her own devices as a child as her cutiemark had not shown yet and the family was busy training her older brother to take up the mantle. She spent many a day in the dojo's garden as a result, left to wander amongst the plants and make friends with the gardener who tended it every day. One day Terra came upon a dead flower in the back corner of the garden, the gardener explained that it had been dead for a long time and it wouldn't bloom again but he didn't want to uproot it as it was a rare flower known as a Lotus. Terra decided to try her hand at it, and tended to the dead plant everyday for almost half a year.
Finally one morning the flower bloomed, as did her cutiemark, both of them sharing the same appearance. When her family found out they were outraged, and threw her from the dojo in disgrace as she did not posses the talent or cutiemark of their family. As she was of age, she went to a public boarding school as it was one of the few places she could find to give a bed to her for free. As she went to school she focused little on her studies, often getting in trouble at school for not trying or starting fights with the other children. However, she pored all of her efforts into learning swordsmanship so she could return and impress her family with her skill. One day when she was 16 (in highschool) she returned to challenge her family to a duel, however they wouldn't even let her inside the dojo saying it would "Disgrace the family to even allow her an honorable match". In fury Terra stole her father's sword and fled back to her school where she continued to train.
Eventually she entered Kendo tournaments from around her area, gaining enough money from the winnings to head off to college where she vowed she would become the strongest. In a manner of one semester she had already transferred schools and defeated every opponent she faced there. Now she has transferred to EU in the hopes of honing her skills and becoming the strongest swordsmen around, and hopefully one day having enough strength to defeat her father and show that it is not the mark on her flank that defines who she is.
Re: EU Cast List (Approved characters)
Postby MagusZeal » Mon Nov 17, 2014 4:17 pm
White Mocha 1/2
- Longshot
Name: Longshot
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Age: Early- to mid-thirties (He doesn't know for certain.)
Appearance: Pic of original pony form. Tall and lank, he'd likely make a good basketball player, once he learns to control his new form.
Skin: Blue
Eye Amber
Hair/Tail: Dark blue
Talent: (Believes:) Skill with firearms. (True:) To be a spark, for good or ill.
Cutie Mark: A bullet having just ricocheted, giving a shower of sparks.
Major: N/A (He's not enrolled. Not yet at least.)
Personality: Longshot wad a deeply principled stallion who's been broken. He still wants to cling to his ideals but no longer believes himself worthy of them. He has an analytical mind and he can put this to good use, but he's torn up emotionally and his buttons are easily pushed. He is relentless once he's taken up a cause, however; once he's determined what should be done he will take whatever course of action is most likely to succeed, however slim the odds.
Backstory: Longshot was born to another Equestria that had already been torn apart by war (namely Fallout: Equestria) to a family of mercenaries called the Night Watch, who swore to "Keep watch in Equestria's darkest night, until the return of the Light." He and his childhood friends grew up getting unparalleled combat training for the era, along with a moral code unheard of at the time. They believed they would be the ones to change the world. It was a dream that died when the Watchers were betrayed and all but wiped out. Longshot has since spent a decade in the wastes, mostly on his own, trying to do what he could. He had many small successes, and some prolific failures. Most notably; he was involved in the refounding of Ponyville, but was also there when it fell to a massive raider attack, turning it into a raider stronghold.
He's heard of a magic mirror that might be found in the catacombs underneath the unbelievably dangerous city of Canterlot and seeks escape from the hell of the wastes, and from the reminders of his failures.
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Age: Early- to mid-thirties (He doesn't know for certain.)
Appearance: Pic of original pony form. Tall and lank, he'd likely make a good basketball player, once he learns to control his new form.
Skin: Blue
Eye Amber
Hair/Tail: Dark blue
Talent: (Believes:) Skill with firearms. (True:) To be a spark, for good or ill.
Cutie Mark: A bullet having just ricocheted, giving a shower of sparks.
Major: N/A (He's not enrolled. Not yet at least.)
Personality: Longshot wad a deeply principled stallion who's been broken. He still wants to cling to his ideals but no longer believes himself worthy of them. He has an analytical mind and he can put this to good use, but he's torn up emotionally and his buttons are easily pushed. He is relentless once he's taken up a cause, however; once he's determined what should be done he will take whatever course of action is most likely to succeed, however slim the odds.
Backstory: Longshot was born to another Equestria that had already been torn apart by war (namely Fallout: Equestria) to a family of mercenaries called the Night Watch, who swore to "Keep watch in Equestria's darkest night, until the return of the Light." He and his childhood friends grew up getting unparalleled combat training for the era, along with a moral code unheard of at the time. They believed they would be the ones to change the world. It was a dream that died when the Watchers were betrayed and all but wiped out. Longshot has since spent a decade in the wastes, mostly on his own, trying to do what he could. He had many small successes, and some prolific failures. Most notably; he was involved in the refounding of Ponyville, but was also there when it fell to a massive raider attack, turning it into a raider stronghold.
He's heard of a magic mirror that might be found in the catacombs underneath the unbelievably dangerous city of Canterlot and seeks escape from the hell of the wastes, and from the reminders of his failures.
Re: EU Cast List (Approved characters)
Postby MagusZeal » Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:56 pm
Liberty_Walk 2/2
- Liberty Walk
Name: Liberty Walk
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Appearance: Liberty is about 6 feet tall, with short-ish hair and a medium-length tail. He's got interesting lines and spots around his shoulders and hips.
Skin color: Light blue
Eye color: Red
Hair color: Dark grey, shot through with sparse amounts of lighter silvery-grey
Tail color: Same
Special Talent : Automotive modification
Cutiemark: Exhaust tip shooting flames
Major: Engineering
Personality: Liberty is a laid-back sort, quick to smile, and easy to get along with. He's got a knack for getting along across clique lines, though that can get awkward for him sometimes. He's quick to rise to a challenge in the automotive realm, though, and his talent helps keep him in a higher win-than-loss ratio.
One way to guaranteed lose him as a friend is to try and force him to take sides in a fight between two of his friends.
Backstory: Born with a fractured skull, Liberty Walk's first ride in a vehicle was one of high-speed, and he's never given up on that since. He semi-taught himself to read from matching the emblems on cars to the name. When he was 15, he'd saved some money, and began building a car with his uncle, a rare 1970 EMC* Rebel "Machine." His uncle mostly provided the funds for the build, while Liberty did most of the work, learning how a car works, and how to make it faster. He got his cutie mark later that year when his uncle took it for it's first pass down the drag strip (As Liberty wasn't certified to race yet,) and won by a whole car length, thus proving Liberty's skill. He took a few years between high school and college, working at a garage, before he decided to seek more knowledge, not just on how cars run, but on how they're built, and potentially other things, too, Trains, ships, air ships, if it's got an engine, he wants to know about it.
*(In our world, it's an AMC, for American Motor Company... but seeing as we're in Equestria, not America...)
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Appearance: Liberty is about 6 feet tall, with short-ish hair and a medium-length tail. He's got interesting lines and spots around his shoulders and hips.
Skin color: Light blue
Eye color: Red
Hair color: Dark grey, shot through with sparse amounts of lighter silvery-grey
Tail color: Same
Special Talent : Automotive modification
Cutiemark: Exhaust tip shooting flames
Major: Engineering
Personality: Liberty is a laid-back sort, quick to smile, and easy to get along with. He's got a knack for getting along across clique lines, though that can get awkward for him sometimes. He's quick to rise to a challenge in the automotive realm, though, and his talent helps keep him in a higher win-than-loss ratio.
One way to guaranteed lose him as a friend is to try and force him to take sides in a fight between two of his friends.
Backstory: Born with a fractured skull, Liberty Walk's first ride in a vehicle was one of high-speed, and he's never given up on that since. He semi-taught himself to read from matching the emblems on cars to the name. When he was 15, he'd saved some money, and began building a car with his uncle, a rare 1970 EMC* Rebel "Machine." His uncle mostly provided the funds for the build, while Liberty did most of the work, learning how a car works, and how to make it faster. He got his cutie mark later that year when his uncle took it for it's first pass down the drag strip (As Liberty wasn't certified to race yet,) and won by a whole car length, thus proving Liberty's skill. He took a few years between high school and college, working at a garage, before he decided to seek more knowledge, not just on how cars run, but on how they're built, and potentially other things, too, Trains, ships, air ships, if it's got an engine, he wants to know about it.
*(In our world, it's an AMC, for American Motor Company... but seeing as we're in Equestria, not America...)
Storm "Storms" Chaser
Name: Storm "Storms" Chaser
Race: Griffon
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: Storm Chaser is surprisingly slender for his race, and at 5'10, relatively short. He typically wears a tight black T-shirt or tank top, with a plaid button-up shirt loosely open over it, of varying weights depending on the season. Pants are typically khaki or black cargo pants or shorts, and he's almost never not wearing Converse sneakers.
Skin color: tan
Eye color: deep chocolate brown
Hair color: blue
Wing color: Blue & black, dark orange at wing root. Reminiscent of an American Kestrel.
Tail color: dark orange
Special Talent : N/A
Major: Dance (Performance)
Minor: Combat Arts
Personality: Storms is a somewhat quiet Griffon who was raised by ponies. Unlike many of his species, he's very slow to fight, but when he does, he fights with the goal of ending the fight as quickly as possible. He finds no glory in it. His loyalty to his friends is strong, but he's slow to adopt new ones. He loves music above most anything else, but, having next to no musical aptitude, he dances instead.
Backstory: Orphaned at birth, Storms was adopted by an Equestrian family, (hence the pony-like name). He's slender and short, for his race. But, you'd be mistaken if you took him for a pushover, as he's whipcord strong and incredibly fast, thanks to years of studying ballet, and later, martial arts, after being bullied by a few ponies for both being adopted, and for differing species and later,his ballet. While the bullying didn't come from many, those who did were particularly vicious, and he had to learn to defend himself. This made him slow to let friends in, but once you are his friend, you are practically family. He was a mediocre student in his early years, but was accepted into an arts magnet school where he discovered his passion for dance, and having that outlet allowed him to actually improve in other disciplines. He's a solid B student now, and is still getting the hang of college life.
Race: Griffon
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: Storm Chaser is surprisingly slender for his race, and at 5'10, relatively short. He typically wears a tight black T-shirt or tank top, with a plaid button-up shirt loosely open over it, of varying weights depending on the season. Pants are typically khaki or black cargo pants or shorts, and he's almost never not wearing Converse sneakers.
Skin color: tan
Eye color: deep chocolate brown
Hair color: blue
Wing color: Blue & black, dark orange at wing root. Reminiscent of an American Kestrel.
Tail color: dark orange
Special Talent : N/A
Major: Dance (Performance)
Minor: Combat Arts
Personality: Storms is a somewhat quiet Griffon who was raised by ponies. Unlike many of his species, he's very slow to fight, but when he does, he fights with the goal of ending the fight as quickly as possible. He finds no glory in it. His loyalty to his friends is strong, but he's slow to adopt new ones. He loves music above most anything else, but, having next to no musical aptitude, he dances instead.
Backstory: Orphaned at birth, Storms was adopted by an Equestrian family, (hence the pony-like name). He's slender and short, for his race. But, you'd be mistaken if you took him for a pushover, as he's whipcord strong and incredibly fast, thanks to years of studying ballet, and later, martial arts, after being bullied by a few ponies for both being adopted, and for differing species and later,his ballet. While the bullying didn't come from many, those who did were particularly vicious, and he had to learn to defend himself. This made him slow to let friends in, but once you are his friend, you are practically family. He was a mediocre student in his early years, but was accepted into an arts magnet school where he discovered his passion for dance, and having that outlet allowed him to actually improve in other disciplines. He's a solid B student now, and is still getting the hang of college life.
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