- Architecture
- Art,General
- Art, Studio
- Art History
- Astronomy
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Communication
- Communication,Media
- Communication,Film
- Creative Writing
- Criminal Justice
- Combat arts (Minor only)
- Dance,Education
- Dance, Performance
- Design,Graphic
- Design,Interior
- Design,Textiles
- Education
- Engineering
- English
- General Culinary
- History
- Journalism
- Library Studies
- Magic,Applications
- Magic, Education
- Magic,Theory
- Mathematics
- Music Education
- Music Performance
- Nursing
- Philosophy
- Photography
- Physics
- Pre-Law
- Pre-Med
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Theater
- Theoretical Sciences
- Weather Production
Also something to note is that in Equestria we are going under the assumption that students would be required to take a few general courses outside of their majors, they would have a choice as to which classes they took as long as they had at least one English Class, one History Class, one Social Science, and two electives outside of their major. It is also preferred, but not required, that unicorns take at least a foundational magic class.