Mustang Magus
General Info
Name: Mustang Magus
Nickname: Magus (Close friends only)
Race: Unicorn
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Affiliations: Draconic Alliance
Description: Wearing a dark red long coat covering his forelegs, chest and flanks this brilliant red stallion cuts a strange figure. Beneath the long coat hide the many battle scars that criss cross the stallions body while his silver and lavender tinged mane and tail tend to draw in the eyes. Considered handome by most this pony of average stature's face is often unreadable though many swear they can see something troubling in his green eyes while the nicks, chips, and grooves along his horn show a general disdain for his heritage unbecoming of a unicorn. Yet to those who've seen combat, or have a gift for the martial arts immediatly notice the stallion's movements betray him as a pony of some skill in hoof to hoof combat.
Cutiemark: Black angular star a top another obscured angular gray star (See Avatar).
Special Talent: Void Magic, lesser extent magic. (Magic/Combat/Void)
Personality: Often quiet Mustang will none the less speak his mind freely if he feels it nessecary, or he's already set his mind to a task. While his face is often a mask many feel uncomfortable around him as he seems to be watching everywhere and every pony.
Character's Theme | Character's Battle Theme
Mustang Magus Timeline
Connections to Others
Achievements Unlocked
Plot development
Update Notes