DiE monthly story info

Home of the monthly side story contest and DiE related side stories.
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DiE monthly story info

Postby MagusZeal » Mon Jan 07, 2013 10:14 am

Welcome my little ponies to the first of what will hopefully be a long line of monthly short stories. Some of you maybe wondering what this is all about, in short to get some folks either writing more or allowing them to tell stories they may never get a chance to in the main Story of DiE.

Thus hopefully starting now well be posting a monty topic in here with a theme or idea for which everypony will be using for that month. Afterward toward the end of the month well create a poll that everypony can vote on to see who the winner is!

Now you might be asking yourself what winning will get you? Well aside from the winner getting to pick the next months topic, this will also earn them an extra character slot. Now because everypony gets to vote the admins will be eligible to win as well, but the only way to win is I write a short story and have it posted before the close date of that month. So. Please pay attention to the end date and good luck.

Note with the introduction of Equestria University you'll need to specify which RP you want the extra slot for either before or after you story.

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